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    08~09~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    08~09~2013 Horoscopes Empty 08~09~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Fri 09 Aug 2013, 10:40 am

        Before work, there is chatter over some fun subjects. How do people shake handswhat do you call your son-in-law and what do people call youtalents are also a topic of conversation and there is a discussion about a talent show. Setting up an afternoon for barbeque, dancing, swimming and a talent show or dance contest is a fun idea that all enjoy imagining and creating. Customers are plentiful and your day gets so busy you forget the relaxed conversations of the morning. There will be more talk later this weekend of dates and duties. Your presence at a neighborhood meeting has a way of easing things, helping those around you let go of any differences. This evening features communication, short travel and an open mind.

        You might like to ignore responsibilities and do some socializing, but realities demand that you tend to business and forget your friends for a short while. Later today, thoughts and activities can return to the social sector. Close relationships take on an emotional depth, power and importance. Family members respond positively to your suggestions. Now is a great time to attend or create a social event. People value you for your warmth and dynamic qualities as much as for your ideas. You may find it easier to be satisfied with your animal warmth than to develop your mind. You can relate to almost all types of people with equal ease. Your dreams, visions and ideals propel you, but always from the depth of your being. This evening is a time for lovers.

        You may have the opportunity to gain a new customer today or at least satisfy the demands of the public. You may have an ability to organize and manage all that is vulnerable and sensitive. You exhibit your tremendous practical sense and are able to cut through all the red tape in order to choose the right path for the best results every time. Progress in the business world is satisfying. A friend or family member may need your advice today. Clear and useful ideas are within your reach and you will be able to give helpful advice. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. General good feelings and a sense of support and harmony make this a memorable time.

    You may be in a difficult position today, Cancer, as if you're being pulled in two directions with little say as to how things are supposed to end. The acting forces could be manipulative, so you should take special care that no one takes advantage of you. This may be easier said than done at a time like this.

        Charged with a kind of moving-forward force, you look for ways to complete tasks and put an end to some long, ongoing project. This could be an article, a presentation or just giving up on the old ways and creating some new ideas to pull together a new project. Artistic changes may be where the attention needs to go. A new advertisement campaign is the works and may be an answer to your work dilemma. Your home environment, friends and surroundings in general get your attention later this afternoon. You do particularly well in activities that include children or young people and it may be your turn to entertain them or guide them in some fun electronic toy. Through the lens of a camera, you can teach focus and balance and laughter with color.

        Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility; although commendable, can limit your personal goal achievement. It may be time to reassess how you balance your day and to decipher if some project is really worth your effort. If a project is worthy, it may be time to change your goal. You enjoy making your own way and finding solutions to whatever problem comes across your path. There is time to give this much thought as well as looking into some educational counseling. Your popularity rating moves up today; career or business efforts are successful. A sports activity transports you to great friends this afternoon. A creative project is encouraged by all who know you. Friends and family are interested in helping you with this creative adventure.

    Your sense of honesty and truth is something that other people sense in you--and support. You might find yourself in a position of trust--handling money, vouchers, receipts, expensive items, etc. When it comes to business and career, you have a mind that just cannot help but take care of business. Your thoughts and ideas are nothing if not practical and your clear-sightedness makes some form of management or supervision almost unavoidable. You will find yourself with friends in some sort of sports environment later this evening. Travel with friends is indicated and after the game there may be some discussion about the places people would like to see. There may be more than one choice to make along with enough time for the planning.

    You are in a planning mood and are very clearheaded--able to view all the possibilities. You can see the road ahead and will make good choices. You could be in the public eye today, especially with superiors or to speak about your work. The stretch may be difficult but you have found a great deal of satisfaction with the accomplished feeling of each success. Pace yourself and work on maintaining a balance. Everyone needs some fun--it is time for your fun this afternoon. In your personal life, there could be a minor crisis due to a missed appointment. Say aloud the word "cancel," or stop when you catch yourself in a negative thinking position. Just take the time to correct an error and no repercussions will come up later. A new concert gets your attention.

        Crawl out of your shell and speak up for yourself at this time--you can do it! This may mean that there is an opening for an upgrade in a job position and higher-ups are just waiting for you to make a request. This may be a time when management waits for only a short time and if you do not let higher-ups know that you would be willing to learn new things or stretch your wings, so to speak, the next person in line that has been expressive will get the opportunity. You are in a good position to put in for a raise or job change, or to otherwise make yourself known. This is a time for imagination and creativity when it comes to ideas and thinking. Combine this with the ability to put your thoughts into words, to create opportunities to captivate and entrance others.

        Perhaps this is just a routine day. Lacking in the imagination needed to rise above the crowd and woo the many, you may need to have a change of scenery. You might do a bit of exercise by walking around the block and listening to your music--clearing your head. When you sit back down to work out the kinks, you are a genius in design and imagination. It comes to your attention this afternoon that an item has been lost. The way to begin your search is the biggest question. This lost item could be documents about land or a list of names or information of some new discovery. Whatever the case, you have fun deciding the next step to take. You may be missing a family member this weekend but you will aside some future time to visit.

        You have plenty of support today for some statement in the workplace. Co-workers follow your lead and seem to be delighted to be included in your plans. General good feelings and a sense of humor are prevalent. The people around you tend to come to you for help and advice. You have a natural sense of the needs of those around you and what others are trying to accomplish. There are plenty of opportunities for just about anything you want to achieve. There is a surge of independence and a need for freedom with an interest in trying new and different things. Unusual or unconventional behavior and an interest in the exotic may be just the thing for you at this time. You appreciate your particular situation and enjoy any help or support from others.

    Focus on the information coming your way today, Pisces. Try not to get too emotional about the consequences of the information. More than likely, a neutral approach is best in any situation you encounter. If you already have a strong preconceived notion of how things are going to be, you will fail to notice the valuable nuances that are being presented to you now.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 5:38 am