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    US Secretary of Defense promises to begin construction of the border wall with Mexico this summer!

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    US Secretary of Defense promises to begin construction of the border wall with Mexico this summer! Empty US Secretary of Defense promises to begin construction of the border wall with Mexico this summer!

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Apr 2017, 10:31 am

    US Secretary of Defense promises to begin construction of the border wall with Mexico this summer!

    Arab and international Since 2017-04-21 at 16:09 (Baghdad time)

    Mawazine News - Follow up
    US Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly said Thursday that work on the construction of the border wall with Mexico could begin this summer, in line with President Donald Trump's decision and electoral promises.
    "I think by the end of spring and early summer we'll have some models, so we'll be able to move forward by summer," Kelly said in a Fox News video on Twitter.
    "We will not be able to do this all day and night, but we will get to that as soon as possible," he said, adding that about 100 companies had shown interest in the project.
    Kelly and Sessions will visit El Paso, Texas and San Diego this week to "monitor southern border operations" and meet members of the Ministries of Justice and Homeland Security, according to a Homeland Security Department press release.
    In January, US President Donald Trump signed a resolution on border security and construction of the separation barrier with Mexico. He said that the construction of the wall on the Mexican-American border will start immediately, stressing that his country will regain control of its southern border, which is in the interest of the neighboring countries.
    Trump said that the financing of the wall with Mexico would be through taxpayers, but pointed out that the money would be returned to the United States after the conclusion of negotiations with the Mexican authorities, which will pay in turn all the costs of new construction between the two countries.
    Despite Trump's immediate promises to implement his decisions soon, observers expected to begin work on the wall, whose residency was a key focus of his election campaign a few months later.

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 1:06 am