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    British newspaper: a house on the outskirts of London, Mall of the nuclear program of North Korea

    Admin Assist
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    British newspaper: a house on the outskirts of London, Mall of the nuclear program of North Korea Empty British newspaper: a house on the outskirts of London, Mall of the nuclear program of North Korea

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Apr 2017, 5:58 am

    British newspaper: a house on the outskirts of London, Mall of the nuclear program of North Korea

    Direction Press / Agencies
    It revealed the British Daily Mail newspaper, in a new report, for a financing of the controversial North Korea's nuclear program threading, which is a residential property on the outskirts of London.
    According to the newspaper, an independent house on the outskirts of London, was behind North Korea's nuclear program is funded by tens of millions of dollars, pointing out that this property is mysterious, he worked silently for more than a decade, enabling Korean officials to finance the nuclear arsenal of lethal without arousing the attention or doubts security British.
    She said the British newspaper, that nearly three and thirty million pounds (more than $ 42 million) were sent annually through an insurance company, it looks apparently innocent, based in a house located in the suburb of Black Heath, south-east London, and run by Kim Jong-un, and the dictatorial regime of his father Kim Jong-il.
    The paper adds that the British police shut down the company after achieving the European Union in its activities, including the suspicion that they pay for companies that supply North Korea illegally, equipment and expertise of military, in violation of UN Security Council resolution, according to the newspaper The Sunday Times.
    And it started a house that was run from him company, Bohjarh accurately striped, and paved his way, like an ordinary house, but behind the curtains by the workers earn millions for the benefit of North Korea from the lucrative insurance industry with a firm deals even with navigation companies and airline.
    Recent calculations show that the company doubled its profits in 2014 from the previous year to reach 69 million pounds, of which sent 33 million pounds to North Korea in what it described as payments to the state.
    The British Treasury Department confirmed that the company had listed yesterday on the list of banned companies, and that North Korea is not allowed to sell the property, but company officials will allow them to live where the condition is not used for commercial purposes.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 1:06 pm