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    Assassin Bin Laden reveals interesting details about the liquidation process

    Admin Assist
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    Assassin Bin Laden reveals interesting details about the liquidation process Empty Assassin Bin Laden reveals interesting details about the liquidation process

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Apr 2017, 9:51 am

    Assassin Bin Laden reveals interesting details about the liquidation process

    History of edits:: 2017/4/30 10:46 • 168 times readable

    Assassin Bin Laden reveals interesting details about the liquidation process
    {International: Euphrates News} told the American soldier who killed former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the details of the events of the raid carried out by a private bout in Islamabad-Pakistan Task Force in 2011.
    A former soldier in the US Navy, Robert O'Neill , {41} , who participated in more than 400 separate combat mission, and began his career as distinguished in his book "The Operator", lists the new details about the liquidation of al - Qaeda leader.
    In his novel, O'Neill said he was walking behind his comrades in the raid team during the search of bin Laden 's compound , consisting of 3 floors, and when they came up to the top floor, he began an exchange of heavy gunfire between them, and between Khalid , son of bin Laden, wounding the son of al - Qaeda leader was shot shot in the face.
    O'Neill said he went up , accompanied by a man reconnaissance team Unnamed to the third floor, and having stormed into the bedroom bin Laden, finished off a man poll on the two women, thinking that they were wearing T - shirts with suicide, while met with O'Neill and face - to - face with bin Laden , who was articulated in the room with the youngest of his wives in a dark room, he shot the founder of al - Qaeda, who broke in his head into two, but he struck another bullet to his head to make sure his death.
    Despite the controversy over the absolute lethal bullet, but most of the statements confirm that O'Neill is shot at the head of bin Laden.
    The book that the members of the team were trying to join naughty head of bin Laden to gather photographs with him, and that "SEAL" team that stormed the building, the rotation of the shooting of the body of bin Laden repeatedly, to end up to more than 100 hole in his body.
    According to the book, after the body of bin Laden to Afghanistan for the full matching to check his character, he was transferred to the US Navy ship Carl Vinson CVN-70 for burial at sea, and in the second of May 2011, in the area of the Arabian Sea, an officer of the US Army read texts religious prepared in advance, and then threw the body of bin Laden in Sear.anthy

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