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    stronger surprises Trump: "Sicherffine" to meet this leader

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    stronger surprises Trump: "Sicherffine" to meet this leader Empty stronger surprises Trump: "Sicherffine" to meet this leader

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 May 2017, 3:23 am

    stronger surprises Trump: "Sicherffine" to meet this leader

    Twilight News / US President Donald Trump on Monday, expressed his willingness to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un "in appropriate circumstances," after weeks of verbal military maneuvers and war.

    Trump said in an interview with Bloomberg Channel "if appropriate to meet with him, I would do certainly. Sicherffine it."

    This is a surprising statement in itself after the US president is threatening military action against North Korea.

    Earlier in the day, the praise of Trump, the leader of North Korea, in the context of showing its sympathy apparently with a young man seized power unexpectedly amid fierce opponents and at an early age.

    Said Trump in an interview with "CBS News" on the occasion of 100 days in office: "People say he is sane? I have no idea. I can tell you that he was a young man in Alsadashh twenty or twenty-seven years old when he took power after his father."

    He added: "It is surrounded by a large number of generals and senior officials. It deals with very difficult issues, but he was able to take power in a very early age."

    Trump went on to say: "Many people who were around him tried to remove him from power, whether his uncle or anyone else, but he was able to drive. Obviously it is a very intelligent person."

    And Trump during the interview was keen to stress that those statements do not discourage the North Korean dictator, noting that he came to power in such circumstances, it is difficult.

    Trump's comments sparked a wave of speculation about his desire to find common ground with his opponent, and open diplomatic channels with the North Korean leader.

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