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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    08~17~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    08~17~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 08~17~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Sat 17 Aug 2013, 9:49 am

        Fondness and appreciation for the past and for your roots in life take on greater importance for you now. Making your home situation more pleasant and attractive plays a part in this. The sale or purchase of real estate could bring you much gain before the end of this cycle. You may yearn for family harmony. Lasting values and whatever you find to be true and lasting can guide you now--opening up avenues that have remained blocked. Your home environment, friends and surroundings in general receive much attention. You could gain from the time you spend with young people today. Do not forget to include all family members in any decisions to move or purchase property. Your timing should be perfect for anything you want to do today.

        You cannot become expressive very readily unless you are also receptive, and receptive you are--all morning. You may find yourself serving to guide someone younger than you in matters of importance today. This may make today a bit challenging but with your sense of humor, anything heavy-duty will quickly be turned toward a positive result. This is a time in which support and recognition should be available from both your family and friends. You feel at home in the world and it takes care of you. You could have deep insight into your own feelings and inner spiritual nature. Plans to entertain or be entertained may be the activity this afternoon. Your mate or love partner is smart--listen and be patient--she or he may be helping you save money.

        You are at the top of your class and if a project is at hand . . . Take your time to complete everything and then look over your work thoroughly, as you will tend to hurry yourself today. Personal achievements are easy at this time. This could mean a sports competition but it could also mean just the simple things you do around your own property. You may enjoy working in your yard, painting or rearranging furniture, etc. There is much energy and drive for whatever you want to accomplish. A social affair may be in the works for this evening and there is still time to do a bit of shopping before they come. A puzzle that you may want to work through today concerns a friend. Take him or her shopping with you. All will be understood soon.

        You may find yourself analyzing your life circumstances. Conversations of an inspiring kind may be in order with young people or others around you. Someone is sympathetic to your thinking today and there is a sense of support and harmony. An interesting conversation with some friends may have you thinking about the puzzling psychic events in your life. You place a high value on your dreams and ideals and do not consider them otherworldly or impossible. You experience the unity around you--that which joins things together. Mysticism, mythology, poetry and music are natural. These are all known to you. People who encounter you may sometimes feel deceived by your remarkable vision--they may wish they could see the world as you see it.

        This is not the time for planning but the time to enjoy the plans you have previously made for today--a good day. You may enjoy probing into your inner workings. You value your darker, more secretive areas and do not mind working through some sensitive problems. As long as you can maintain a balance with your emotions, your health will be excellent. Learn to recognize the negative so that you can rework and transmute to the most positive that you can become. This may not be a lot, but it will be a beginning and it will create a habit of recognition and change. There is a healing taking place, a healing within you as well as within the people that are the closest to you. You have the opportunity today to understand a loved one like never before.

        Take care of any financial responsibilities soon. Those you feel you cannot take care of should be acknowledged by sending a note with a promise of payment to come. Then, make it a point to set up some plans for setting aside the funds to pay off outstanding debts. You spend a great deal of time with plants and using water selectively around your place of living today. Upkeep around your living area is the mode of the day. This afternoon is a good time for surrounding yourself with friends and young people and for having a good time. There could be some sports competition, either involving you or with you coaching young people. You appreciate your particular situation and enjoy support from those around you. Passions can be enjoyed.

    Yes . . . A weekend! Friendships and involvement in group activities play a more important part in your life now. Friends are our only true riches and the satisfaction that comes from accomplishing or sharing experiences with others is something no one can take away from you. You are very painstaking and deliberate when it comes to partnerships, lovers and relationships of all kinds. You tend toward long-lasting friendships and are very loyal, sometimes too sedate. You display your sharp, nimble mind with a ready wit. You are quick to gain insight and to see new solutions--approaching genius when it comes to communication skills. Natural physical dexterity--good hands too! You are the life of the party when it comes to spontaneity today.

    This is a time when you can expect some extra support or recognition from those around you. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with others; the lines of communication are open. The support you need is there for anything you want to accomplish. Your energies run effectively toward making yourself felt in the material, physical outer world. You are an "action" person who gains the attention of others and seems to get things moving. You may be encouraged to defend your belief with a neighbor--perhaps political. Consider this is a good thing and you will be thinking quickly and honestly without a sense of defense. If you are reasonable and try to understand the other person's point of view, this person may become a valued friend.

        Do not take chances or risks just now--be satisfied with the ordinary and usual. Novel ideas or insights could be more damaging than useful. There is hectic emotional energy present. You are very expressive and outgoing when it comes to your feelings and emotions--you may find yourself in deep discussions today concerning world affairs, trends of the community, etc. This urge to express yourself, to speak out and be heard, propels you into many an interesting situation. Creativity of all kinds holds your interest now and you could find yourself spending money on some form of music, art or literature. You are driven to excel in many forms of physical or creative expression--sports, theatrics, arts and crafts, etc.

        You are an aggressive starter, able to instigate projects and get things moving. Not always hot on the follow-up, you may tend to get the ball rolling and get out, to move on to other things. You could discover some new things about yourself through creativity and self-expression. Increased confidence and a more outgoing manner may be the key that opens many a new door for you. You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation or feel especially kind towards a friend or loved one. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. General good feelings and a sense of support and harmony make this a happy time. Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings tonight.

        Maybe seems to be the main theme today. Young people want to know, older people have questions, students are curious and you think that the answers to the questions you hear are a definite maybe. The desire to please others is so strong as to make it hard to decide or act for fear of offending someone. Perhaps you should not answer questions today and just listen. There is something important for you to hear but not if you do not listen. Smile and let others know that this is a listening day for you. Sometime the teaching becomes more of a time of guiding others. The mental world appeals to you and you are very discriminating but appreciative when it comes to concepts, ideas, thoughts and the like. You value good research.

        A strong urge for the social life may find you out and about today. There are all sorts of trade sales and doodad or curio shops available for the perusing. You may find a quaint antique store you like. This may be a better time to work on any repairs or upkeep, or to catch up on some interesting reading material. Later today your love relationship could benefit from some nourishment. This would be a great area deserving of your attention. A concert or open air performance can be a treat for your beloved. Perhaps a blanket and a small cooler with a few drinks and goodies to enjoy while you listen to the entertainment would be good. Of course, a little bug repellent would not be a bad idea either. Can you identify the stars that are out tonight?

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 8:42 am