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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Economic for "direction Press": All foreign loans went to investment projects

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary Economic for "direction Press": All foreign loans went to investment projects Empty Parliamentary Economic for "direction Press": All foreign loans went to investment projects

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 May 2017, 3:01 am

    Parliamentary Economic for "direction Press": All foreign loans went to investment projects


    A member of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary Najiba Najib, said on Sunday that all amounts of foreign loans went to investment projects in the country.
    Najib in an interview for "direction Press" explained that the 2017 loans covered the shortfall in the state budget all have gone to investment projects, indicating that those loans were from the International Monetary America Fund and the World Bank Group, Germany, Japan, Britain and the Islamic Bank and others.
    She added that those projects concerned with electricity, health, and the reconstruction of the liberated areas, and will repay those amounts of low interest, noting that the money will be spent in place in order to identify disbursement by donors where it is hard to get cases of corruption.
    It is said that the National Alliance MP Rashid al-Yassiri said that "linking Iraq's long-term loans will affect the economic situation in general in the future."
    Yasiri said in a statement obtained "direction Press" a copy of it, that "the issue of linking Iraq's long-term loans would negatively affect the economic reality," calling on "the government to put Iraq to avoid future large loans that impact negatively on the Iraqi government's plans."

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