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    Leader killed in Afghanistan Daesh

    Admin Assist
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    Leader killed in Afghanistan Daesh Empty Leader killed in Afghanistan Daesh

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 May 2017, 2:09 am

    Leader killed in Afghanistan Daesh

    History of edits:: 2017/5/8

    {International: Euphrates News} Afghan president's office announced the death of Ashraf Ghani Daesh leader in Afghanistan, Abdal_husab.
    Ghani said that Abdul Haseeb was killed ten days ago, the leaders of the Afghan special forces operation in the eastern province of Nangarhar.
    It is believed that Abdul Haseeb mastermind of an attack in March last, at a military hospital in the capital Kabul, killing more than 30 people.
    The US Department of Defense [Pentagon] announced last month that Abdul Haseeb may have been killed in an attack carried out by US and Afghan special forces.
    Last April, the US military threw the largest non - nuclear bomb , the United States used it for the first time to target a network of tunnels, believed to be used by Daesh in Nangarhar province.
    He announced that he Daesh moving towards Afghanistan and Pakistan, when he announced what he called a state of Khorasan in 2015, since then launched several attacks and increased activity in both countries.
    In July 2016, a suicide attack on a gathering in Kabul killed about 80 people resulted.
    After that incident three months, resulted in two attacks are similar attacks targeting religious ceremony to mark the day of Ashura killed thirty people.
    In November of the year 2016, it targeted a mosque in Kabul killed more than thirty others resulted in the attack.
    As Daesh also claimed responsibility for a suicide attack, it targeted the Supreme Court in Afghanistan last February, killing 22 Chksa.anthy

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