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    Afghan forces kill 19 militants belonging to the state of Khorasan "Daesh"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Afghan forces kill 19 militants belonging to the state of Khorasan "Daesh" Empty Afghan forces kill 19 militants belonging to the state of Khorasan "Daesh"

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 May 2017, 3:15 am

    Afghan forces kill 19 militants belonging to the state of Khorasan "Daesh"

    Announced the Afghan Defense Ministry, said Sunday that 19 militants at least, including gunmen belonging to the state of Khorasan, the organization 'Daesh' terrorist branch in Afghanistan, and foreign militants fighting in the ranks of the Taliban, were killed in a series of air raids, carried out by Afghan forces in three provinces the country.

    The ministry said - in a statement 'that at least eight gunmen, all of whom are loyal to Daesh, were killed in an air strike in the Lachin district of eastern Nangarhar province , the country, and added that one of the leaders of this terrorist group was among the dead.

    The ministry added, 'that at least six of the militants belonging to the Taliban, were killed, including four foreign militants, after an air raid in the area Zbak province of Badakhshan in northeastern Afghanistan. "

    The ministry revealed, that a car belonging to the Taliban militants, also destroyed during the raid itself, and said the Afghan defense, that at least five other militants were killed in another raid in Khanchin district of Helmand province, as one of their vehicles destroyed.

    It did not suspend the anti-government armed groups of Afghanistan, including the Taliban and militants Daesh, on the news so far.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 1:19 pm