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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament resumes its sessions on Tuesday to discuss and approve a number of laws

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277497
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliament resumes its sessions on Tuesday to discuss and approve a number of laws Empty Parliament resumes its sessions on Tuesday to discuss and approve a number of laws

    Post by Rocky Mon 19 Aug 2013, 6:39 am

    Parliament resumes its sessions on Tuesday to discuss and approve a number of laws

    Monday, August 19 / August 2013 12:34 | | |

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} announced the House of Representatives on Monday to resume its sessions on Tuesday after the holiday Eid al-mushroom to discuss and approve a number of laws.

    According to a statement to the House of Representatives received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of "the agenda of the meeting, the thirteenth of the current legislative on Tuesday includes a vote on the draft law on ratification of the Convention on the promotion and protection of investment between the governments of Iraq and Japan are also vote on the bill Training Center monetary and banking and vote on the draft law on animal health. "

    He added that "tomorrow's meeting also includes the first reading of the draft law of the Republic of Iraq's accession to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction."

    The statement said, "will also be the first reading of the draft law the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, and the first reading of the draft law into force Iraqi law on private security companies."

    And he "also includes the second reading of the proposed law to reverse the decisions of the Revolution Command Council dissolved numbered {1021} 1983 {197} 1994 {145} for the year 2001."

    He said that " as it will be the second reading of the draft law first amendment to the Law on the Protection Iraqi products No. {11} for the year 2010, "noting that" the Council will continue in tomorrow's meeting to discuss a proposed law amending the election law, the House of Representatives (16) for the year 2005.

    Noted that the Presidency of the Council of Representatives has decided earlier to be on the 20th of the current month of August as the date for the resumption of Parliament meetings, to discuss the security situation and a number of laws, including the election law. ended

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