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    US magazine warns of greater risk Daesh

    Admin Assist
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    US magazine warns of greater risk Daesh Empty US magazine warns of greater risk Daesh

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 May 2017, 3:45 am

    US magazine warns of greater risk Daesh

    BAGHDAD - The Journal News

    «Foreign Policy» US magazine said that insurgents linked Daesh in Afghanistan have claimed responsibility for the commission of a series of attacks over the past few years, but this organization is not. «Or terrorist groups»

    The magazine added that the barbarism of the organization Daesh distanced attention from the real danger, a Taliban and al-Qaeda, which overcame the efforts of 16-year-old continued to eliminate them. She continued: Despite the exclusion of the Taliban by US military operations in 2001, the movement remained opponent.

    Now -ofaqa American officials Barzyn- this threat is supported by an old enemy else, is Russia.

    The magazine quoted Gen. John Nicholson, commander of the US's biggest Afghanistan as saying -khalal visit of the US Secretary of Defense James Mattis to Kabul on 24 April-that «irrefutable» multiple reports that Moscow directs weapons to the Taliban.

    She noted that congressional testimony in February, General Nicholson has already said that Russia «deliberately to legitimize the Taliban».

    It went the magazine to say that «Taliban» threat -the movement that may be supported by now Russian- arms is rising as fast as they fall apart by the organization Daesh, noting that the Taliban more than any time since 2001, land, and civilian casualties are the highest since these have been tracking numbers for the first time in 2009, as the deaths of Afghan security forces besieged rates rose.

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 8:24 am