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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Post by Rocky Tue 16 May 2017, 2:11 am

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    gold rises by weak US data
    rose gold on Monday, with the growing demand for the metal as a result of US political tensions and successful experience missile North Korea electronic attacks and large - scale, while pushed weaker expectations of the dollar and bond yields from the decline in US data.
    Came down gold in the immediate 0.3 percent transaction to $ 1231.49 per ounce ( an ounce) by 1101 GMT , to be on track to achieve gains for the third consecutive day after hitting its lowest level in eight weeks last week at $ 1213.81 an ounce, and in the futures of US contracts gold rose 0.3 percent to $ 1231.20 an ounce, silver Fimauartft one percent in online transactions to $ 16.62 an ounce. The platinum rose 1.3 percent to $ 929.25 , recording an increase of four percent from the lowest level in four and a half months of $ 889.1 recorded in the fourth of May, and palladium rose 0.8 percent to $ 811.5 an ounce.

    : Putin to extend a cut in oil production would stabilize the price of
    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that the extension of oil production cuts for an additional nine months will ensure the stability of crude prices.
    It agreed Saudi Arabia and Russia, the largest oil producers in the world, the need to extend the cuts for an additional nine months to March / March 2018 to reduce the crude glut in global markets.
    At a press conference in Beijing, where Putin attends an international conference, the Russian president said in response to a question about the confidence that the agreement between Russia and Saudi Arabia will restore stability and world oil prices , "I think good expectations. I am optimistic because the foundation of our partner in this process, and our partner without doubt , the foundation is Saudi Arabia, fully committed to all the agreements entered into force so far, and secondly because Saudi Arabia is willing to maintain a stable and fair oil prices. "
    Putin said , "Thirdly, I think the right decision for nine months until the middle of next year , not for two months or three or four. That is the basis of the condition for stability, and confirmed I met recently, and this is no secret, in closed meetings with all the heads of major companies oil and gas we have, next to the Minister of energy. We discussed this issue, and we support such a proposal. "

    Bank of Lebanon: foreign reserves currently stable future intervention possible ,
    said the Central Bank of Lebanon Governor Riad Salameh, on Monday, said that the country 's foreign exchange reserves is stable and requires immediate strengthening through intervention, but it would take measures to maintain monetary stability if necessary. Last year , the central bank carried out the so - called International Monetary Fund financial engineering "non - traditional" to boost foreign exchange reserves declining.
    Salameh said on the sidelines of the Euromoney conference in Beirut , "Today we have a stable situation , which does not require any special operations." He added , "as dictated by necessity, we have different strategies can be applied, it is not necessary to return to the same strategy that we followed in 2016". Between June and August of last year, the Central Bank conducted a swap for some of its holdings of debt instruments denominated in Lebanese pounds against the dollar international bonds to the Ministry of Finance, while the private banks to transfer dollars and got in return on international bonds and certificates of deposit new issued in dollars.
    The central bank also bought also denominated bonds in lira within the restricted local banks ' books of the original value addition to the full interest until maturity, which banks reserves of foreign currency strengthened immediately.
    By mid - October it increased the reserve to $ 41 billion from about $ 35 billion, before financial operations. After the reserve dropped again on 30 April / April totaled $ 39.3 billion, according to the latest data from the Central Bank, said the safety, it is not necessary at the moment to take "immediate private initiatives."

      Current date/time is Fri 17 Jan 2025, 4:29 pm