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    E-Vets Newsletter January 24, 2013


    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

     E-Vets Newsletter  January 24, 2013 Empty E-Vets Newsletter January 24, 2013

    Post by Neno Thu 24 Jan 2013, 8:43 pm

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    E-Vets Newsletter

    January 24, 2013

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    Texas Veterans Commission hosts "Beating the VA Backlog" events in Arlington & Austin

    Texas Veterans Commission hosts Women Veterans Moving Forward Seminar

    15th Annual Veterans Summit registration is now open

    At local job fair, Texas Veterans Commission offers unique classes to help Veterans transition to civilian workforce


    <table style="word-wrap:break-word;table-layout:fixed;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td style="border-top:0px none transparent;border-right:0px none transparent;border-bottom:0px none transparent;border-left:0px none transparent;padding-top:10px;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;padding-left:10px;color:#000000;font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size:11px;">

    Wal-Mart’s 'For Hire' Sign for Veterans

    Gathering higher education data on student veterans proves difficult

    Burn-pit registry for veterans signed into law

    Vietnam veterans monument for Texas Capitol grounds is taking shape

    Def Leppard Drummer and Marine Help Veterans With PTSD


    <table style="word-wrap:break-word;table-layout:fixed;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td style="padding:10px;border:0px none transparent;color:#000000;font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size:11px;">


    Veterans Land Board

    Texas Military Forces

    Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

    Texas Workforce Commission

    TexVet: Partners Across Texas

    211 Texas

    Texas Lottery Commission

    Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans

    Please send comments or suggestions to


    <table style="word-wrap:break-word;table-layout:fixed;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td style="color:#000000;font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size:11px;">

    <img style="margin:0px;">

    Look for the new Veterans Cash ticket at your local retailer!


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    For information on upcoming Veterans Events in your area, please visit the

    TVC Calendar.
    <td style="border:0px transparent;background-color:#d2e6f5;color:#000000;font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size:11px;" bgcolor="#d2e6f5" valign="top" width="67%"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td style="padding:0px;color:#000000;font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size:11px;" valign="top">

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    Texas Veterans Commission hosts "Beating the VA Backlog" events in Arlington & Austin

    Saturday, January 26, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is hosting a
    “Beating the VA Backlog” event in Arlington in order to provide direct,
    one-on-one assistance to Texas Veterans with disability claims currently
    pending with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This event
    will take place at the Sheraton Arlington Hotel, 1500 Convention Center
    Drive, on January 26, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

    Veterans sacrifice everything in service to their country, and they
    deserve more than long lines and bureaucratic red tape when it comes to
    receiving their benefits," said Gov. Rick Perry. "While the federal
    government drags its feet, Texas will act. I am proud to have worked
    with Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst and Speaker Straus to ensure that
    Texas, through the State Strike Force Teams, works to get our Veterans
    the timely assistance they deserve.”

    from the TVC State Strike Force Teams, as well as TVC Claims
    Counselors, will be on hand to provide direct and specific assistance to
    Veterans, family members, and survivors, including:

    • Checking the status of pending claims

    • Identifying all additional development required for claims processing

    • Collecting evidence for cases identified as missing documentation

    fine Veterans did not wait when asked to serve our country, and they
    shouldn't be asked to wait for their country to return the favor,” said
    Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. “I commend the Texas Veterans Commission and
    the 'State Strike Force Team' for taking swift action to help our
    Veterans with their claims and ultimately helping reduce the federal

    the TVC State Strike Force Teams were authorized by the Governor,
    Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House in July, we have already
    helped more than 10,400 Veterans whose claims were stuck in the VA
    backlog and provided over 2,900 cases to the VA for action,” said Thomas
    Palladino, TVC Executive Director. “This ‘Beating the VA Backlog’ event
    is one of several events that the TVC is holding around the state as we
    try to help Texas Veterans get the benefits they deserve.”

    the backlog of VA disability claims in Texas consisting of over 64,000
    pending claims, Veterans everywhere are experiencing extensive delays in
    receiving the benefits that are owed to them for service to their
    country. Two State Strike Force Teams consisting of eight claims
    counselors each are located at the two VA Regional Offices in Houston
    and Waco. These teams take claims that are backlogged and ensure that
    the claims have all information and evidence necessary for the VA to
    immediately process the claim. Additionally, TVC Fully Developed Claims
    Teams are located at the VA Regional Offices and in TVC offices
    throughout the state in order to improve access and assist Veterans in
    filing fully developed claims, which are processed faster by the VA.

    addition to the event in Arlington, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC)
    is also hosting a “Beating the VA Backlog” event in Austin. This event
    will take place at the Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs, on
    Wednesday, February 13, 2013, from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

    events are open to all Veterans, their families, and survivors, and all
    services are free of charge. Preregistering will give staff an
    opportunity to research your claim prior to the events and provide you
    with the ability to select an appointment time. Walk-ins are allowed on a
    first-come, first-served basis as time allows. For details regarding
    these events, contact information and registration, please visit

    Beating the VA Backlog

    Saturday, January 26

    8:00 am - 2:00 pm

    Sheraton Arlington Hotel (map)

    1500 Convention Center Drive

    Arlington, Texas 76011


    Beating the VA Backlog

    Wednesday, February 13

    1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

    Palmer Events Center (map)

    900 Barton Springs

    Austin, Texas 78704


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    Texas Veterans Commission hosts Women Veterans Moving Forward Seminar

    Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is conducting a Women Veterans Moving
    Forward Seminar Series Event: Maximizing Your Finances and Loving Your
    Budget "Get-to-Work" Seminar and Workshop. This event is open to all
    women Veterans, active duty military personnel about to transition to
    civilian life, and the family members of these women. The event is on
    Monday, February 11, 2013, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Palmer
    Events Center,
    900 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas.

    Event participants will partake in workshops and receive information in the following areas:

    • Personal finances and budgeting workshops and information

    • Programs
      and services that enhance personal budgets and improve quality of life
      for veterans & their family members presentations and information

    • Veteran County Service Office programs, services, and information assistance

    • TVC Claims filing and appeals services and information

    • TVC Veteran Employment and Family Employment (FEAC) services and information

    • TVC Women Veterans services and information

    Attendance is free of charge.

    Women Veterans Moving Forward Seminar

    Monday, February 11

    12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    Palmer Events Center (map)

    900 Barton Springs Road

    Austin, Texas 78704


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    15th Annual Veterans Summit registration is open

    is now open for the 15th Annual Veterans Summit, which will be held at
    the Palmer Events Center - Austin at 900 Barton Springs Road from
    February 11-13, 2013.

    This year’s Summit will feature a number of exciting events:

    • A
      Veteran Entrepreneur Seminar from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on February 11
      will provide information on funding sources, mentors, marketing
      strategies, securing federal contracts and more for Veteran
      Entrepreneurs. (Registration is closed for this event, but please
      check the Texas Veterans Commission Entrepreneur Facebook page for
      updates should there be cancellations.)

    • Information on the latest Fund for Veterans’ Assistance grant solicitation (Series XIII-A) that opens on January 25, 2013.

    • Training
      for non-profit organizations and Veterans Service Organizations that
      provide services to Texas Veterans and their families will feature two
      workshops: (1) Planning for Program Evaluation and Grant Reporting; and
      (2) Understanding Strategic Alliances: A Continuum.

    • A
      Women Veterans “Get-to-Work” Seminar & Workshop that will focus on
      personal finances, budgeting, community service programs, employment,
      and education.

    • Panels
      featuring: members of the Fully Developed Claims Initiative and the
      State Strike Force Teams authorized by Governor Rick Perry, Lieutenant
      Governor David Dewhurst and Speaker Joe Straus that are helping Texas
      Veterans with disability claims currently pending in the backlog of
      claims at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; and industry employers;
      Veteran education benefits; and women Veterans; Veterans employment;
      Veteran entrepreneurship and business ownership; criminal justice;
      mental health; and social media.

    • The Veterans Expo will be February 12-13 and will
      include state, local, and federal government agencies, Veterans'
      organizations, not-for-profit organizations, schools and companies that
      provide Veteran-specific services which assist Veterans and their

    • A Veterans Clinic will take place on February 13, with staff from the Texas Veterans Commission Claims, Employment, and Education programs available to provide direct, one-on-one assistance to Veterans.

    • On February 12, the City of Austin will sponsor a reception from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

    • Featured
      speakers include Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, other state legislators,
      federal legislative staff, and leaders from within the Veteran

    also hope that you will tell others that serve Veterans and their
    families about the Summit and encourage them to attend as there is much
    to be gained from our collective work and experience.

    Please visit to register and learn more.

    15th Annual Veterans Summit

    Monday February 11 through Wednesday, February 13

    Palmer Events Center (map)

    900 Barton Springs Road

    Austin, Texas


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    At local job fair, Texas Veterans Commission offers unique classes to help Veterans transition to civilian workforce

    the Hiring Red, White and You Job Fair which was hosted in November,
    over 10,000 Veterans and their family members attended the event in
    cities across Texas. The event was made possible through a partnership
    the Texas Workforce Commission, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC), 28
    Workforce Development boards, the Texas Medical Center, Gov. Rick
    Perry, Dr. James H. “Red” Duke Jr., and more than 1,100 employers
    . In Waco alone, 224 Veterans and family members attended to find employment and new career opportunities.

    addition to the Waco job fair, the TVC Veterans Employment Services
    (VES) staff also organized and conducted job fair prep sessions. The
    staff teamed up with the Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas
    Business Services Unit (BSU) to hold the sessions that spanned over two
    weeks leading up the Hiring Red, White and You Job Fair. Almost 30
    Veteran job seekers attended, and out of those attending, 17
    participants were hired as a result of attending the sessions.

    staff (Richard Chouinard, Brad Gill and Kelly Cameron) teamed with
    Andrea Valero of BSU to work with local employers and set up sessions
    with alternative approaches so that the Veterans could find something
    that will work with their own personality and style.

    the session, "Sergeant's Time Resume Training," local employers
    provided Veterans with information on what employers are looking for in
    resumes. During the session, Levi Burks of AEROTEK and Kathryn Lamb of
    Spherion covered resume styles, transitioning of skills, gaps in
    employment, targeted resumes, and company research.

    individual resumes, the team set up the "Resume Pass and Review"; these
    sessions were held twice for Veterans to get one-on-one assistance with
    their resume, which were reviewed by the VES staff and BSU staff.
    Suggestions were given to attendees on how to enhance their resumes and
    also provide resume workbooks to assist in the development.

    Right, Dress” covered dressing for interviews, job fairs and job
    searches, as well as interviewing techniques for job fairs, elevator
    speeches and targeted interviews. VES and BSU presented guidance on
    appropriate dress, body language, enthusiasm during an interview and job
    search, shaking hands, eye contact, and inappropriate behavior (cell
    phones, gum chewing, email addresses, etc.).

    of the sessions was followed by a “Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
    Clinic.” During that session, VES collected completed documents and
    necessary documentation for Veterans to get pre-certified for the
    credit, and Veterans were given information regarding the Vow to Hire
    Heroes Act and the benefits of WOTC and their search for employment
    during the sessions.

    VES will be hosting more sessions across the state, and an Employment
    Clinic is planned for Austin in conjuction with the 15th Annual Veterans
    Summit. During the Clinic, Veterans will get one-on-one assistance on
    their resume, tips for translating their military skills, and advice on
    conducting a successful job search in addition to being matched with
    available jobs on

    For more information about TVC VES, please visit

    Employment Clinic

    Wednesday, February 13

    1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

    Palmer Events Center (map)

    900 Barton Springs Road

    Austin, Texas


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    About the Texas Veterans Commission

    Texas Veterans Commission is a state agency committed to ensuring all
    Veterans within the state of Texas receive the maximum benefits earned
    as a result of their service to their country. We provide superior
    service to Veterans in the areas of claims assistance, employment
    services, education benefits and reimbursement grants that significantly
    improve the quality of life of Texas Veterans and their families.


      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 8:09 pm