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    Education: announce the results of the sixth primary early next month

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Education: announce the results of the sixth primary early next month Empty Education: announce the results of the sixth primary early next month

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 May 2017, 2:14 am

    Education: announce the results of the sixth primary early next month

    5/21/2017 0:00

    Baghdad / morning / Isra al - Samarrai
    identified the Ministry of Education early next month as the date to announce the results of the ministerial exams for students in the sixth primary , which ended yesterday, while instructed to open 47 schools in the right side of the city of Mosul.

    Said ministry spokesman Ibrahim Sabbatical "morning": that the ministry has prepared a plan to correct the books exam in the primary examination of the study centers, noting that the plan included the available field on the process of correcting the
    books exam.
    He also instructed the directorates of education and the competent authorities not to interfere with examinations and examination of the books and exam centers and leave this process for specialists from the ministry. He noted that the announcement of the results of the sixth primary will be after the last day of my exam two weeks, any early next month, depending on the specific announcement of the results of the annual plan, calling on students to educational space follow - up to the moment of the announcement of results away from the social networking phantom sites and other sites that work on the exploitation of announcement fake results and sell them. This ended on Saturday , the sixth primary pupils ministerial exams performance exam material sociology. He said students of the school Martyr Abdul Rasul Elementary Back in the Kadhimiya boycotted the breeding Karkh third exam questions that special social studies material was characterized by clarity, but it was somewhat branched arms of several question lengthy one, but it 's simple and easy solution. They said questions about previous articles as English, mathematics and science was good enough to solve dedicated to time and time, as well as to secure Alamthani center by security forces contributed greatly to conduct examinations smoothly, creating a suitable atmosphere reflected positively on the questions resolved.
    The 600 thousand students in Baghdad and the provinces have already begun on the fourteenth of this month , the performance of ministerial exams in Baghdad and the provinces, divided between six thousand probative center, with the continuation of 2.5 million students currently perform final exams for grades is ended.
    For his part, the Minister of Education Dr. Mohammad Iqbal , the pharmacist , according to its location on the social networking site (Facebook) to open 47 schools in the right side of Mosul after the liberation of most of the cities of the terrorist gangs Aldaashah, praising at the same time , the efforts made by the breeding of Nineveh Directorate in support of reality and educational contribution to the return of the teaching staffs and pupils and students to practice and always perform the exams normally.

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