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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economist: the need for the stalled privatization of state-owned factories to activate and promotion

    Admin Assist
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    Economist: the need for the stalled privatization of state-owned factories to activate and promotion Empty Economist: the need for the stalled privatization of state-owned factories to activate and promotion

    Post by Rocky Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:45 pm

    Economist: the need for the stalled privatization of state-owned factories to activate and promotion of the private sector

    22-08-2013 11:24 AM

    Baghdad (news) .. Said economist Maytham and coffee, the importance of the adoption of the principle of privatization of some state-owned enterprises in order to activate factory production stalled and give an important role for the private sector in promoting economic development of the country. said Laibi (of the Agency news): that it is advisable to keep roads on the anvil of privatization, and so a reminder to all that the private sector must have been a pioneer in life, it is the most efficient and most capable to increase productivity and reduce unemployment. said: you must specify the sectors that can be privatized and the other that will remain, however, the state, in addition to the knowledge of the mechanics of privatization used and the kind, noting that the sectors of health and education are convinced they are sectors that must be kept by the state, and it must be there is tight control over those episodes that can be left to the private sector in them. pointed to: that industry, which is not Iraq possesses the state of comparative advantage, while the factories public sector parked and operate at less than capacity significantly and constitute a significant burden on the state budget. continued: they may be subject to privatization, to be held this matter manner starters justice and to guarantee the rights of workers in those facilities, special calling to find innovative ways to convert some These factories to joint-stock companies have employees share in them. / End / 8.'s. m /

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    Wayne Irby
    Wayne Irby
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    Economist: the need for the stalled privatization of state-owned factories to activate and promotion Empty Re: Economist: the need for the stalled privatization of state-owned factories to activate and promotion

    Post by Wayne Irby Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:06 pm

    The private sector does need to have control of most of the business in Iraq, governments should run countries not business's, look at what a mess the U.S. government makes when they get involved; Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae, Obama Care, Etc., Etc.

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