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    Toyota Japan is facing a crisis

    Admin Assist
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     Toyota Japan is facing a crisis Empty Toyota Japan is facing a crisis

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 May 2017, 3:51 am

    Toyota Japan is facing a crisis

    Sunday 21 May 2017 09:54

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad ,
    said the Japanese car company " Toyota " that it is facing a crisis, after analyzing the results of the last fiscal year.

    The company reached the end of the fiscal year, the value of net profit down by 21%.

    Analysts predict the company also consistently lower profits this year as well.

    The head of the Japanese company, Akio Toyoda, so in his speech to the reporter prospectus Automotive News, adding that the crisis facing the global auto industry as a whole.

    Toyota believes that the head of the company 's profit decline is due to changes in the global automotive industry, embodied in the emergence of new small businesses, and the development of modern techniques, including self - driving techniques, and the electrification of transportation on a large scale.

    Toyoda also pointed out that the world 's largest companies will need a long period in order to find a place in the new reality, and adapt to the changes taking place in the automotive world, so his company plans to hire more than $ 9 billion to develop new technologies.

    He explained Toyoda said that " the current auto industry has received indications of the need to change Juzmyatha. I want now planting the seeds will bear fruit after 10-20 years."

    For example , the company intends to activate the electric car design, even if it is the neglect of cars equipped with fuel cells operating on hydrogen, which focused on the Toyota production in recent years design account.

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 5:52 pm