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    08~23~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    08~23~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 08~23~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Fri 23 Aug 2013, 5:37 am

        Now is the time for new financial opportunities. You may hear of some smart ideas while having lunch with co-workers today. This afternoon you may have thought you were going to get some rest but you will probably find yourself involved with young people--coordinating outside activities, advising, etc. If you try to have authority over these young people, you may find yourself working at odds with them. This is more of a time of play and guidance. You may find yourself reflecting on your own youth or some event in the past. If you want, you could be the next coach or coordinator--think about it. Find time in the afternoon to be by yourself for a time of relaxation. This evening should bring opportunities to enjoy the company of someone who loves the very essence that is you.

        Today is the day to catch up on your work. With the office a little quieter than usual, you will be able to get a lot accomplished. You are due to make a fresh start with regard to some new project, so this afternoon you may spend some time in thought regarding that project. Trust your intuition later today when a family member who seeks your advice is sincere--just a little confused. Be patient and play the waiting game. The family member may finally work out the problem once you provide the opportunity for verbalizing the difficulty. You listen well and you make it easy for others to find different ways of looking at particular situations in their lives. It is easy for you to give others a little boost and perhaps a little support.

        Uncharted territories in the professional realm may create a desire to move forward quickly. You are, however, careful, lighthearted and sincere--your guide words. New and fresh viewpoints into what is popular, faddish or in style are understood. Your attitude is to live life fully and to be patient with others. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. A real healing can happen today. With all the new products in the cooking world, you may look forward to a shopping expedition with a friend or family member to purchase that unique grill or blender or other cooking equipment. Of course, now you want to cook that new recipe you found. You might keep your own recipes in a special folder.

        You express yourself well and enjoy teaching and guiding others. You are willing to speak to a variety of groups in order to get an important message across. You present a clever presentation. You are very motivated when it comes to communication of all forms--phone, voice, letters, computers and the like. Your home environment, friends and surroundings in general get your attention this afternoon. You may find yourself wanting to catch up on the lives of your loved ones as well. While working with young people you will be able to teach sound ideas to them. You will be able to gain some insight, perhaps new ideas or methods from these young people as well. There is a relentless drive to pursue knowledge. A literary club holds a special fascination.

        Money motivates you forward this day--not much else, considering it could be a dull day. If you think about it, you could come up with a great sales technique or advertisement, which your company would appreciate and reward. Allergy problems may be in need of your attention. Perhaps it is time to understand and make changes in your eating habits. You tend to be radical when it comes to self-analysis, which means healthcare, food, physical wellbeing, etc. Serving and caring for yourself and others are primary sources of inner growth and changes. Insights and solutions are easy to find as you stop to help some young people this evening--this could mean you give advice to neighborhood children. Get to know the stars this evening

        Professional and creative projects will keep you busy all day long--working overtime may be a possibility. Intuition is a fact of life and you are sensitive, kind and gentle, a little romantic too--with a tender heart. You always work for a real future, doing what has to be done. You love all that is musical and artistic. You also have a sensitivity to all that is spiritual. Your energies are available when needed and that attitude of cooperation is how you gain the most of any one moment--living fully. This evening is a good time to relax with someone who truly loves you. A quiet walk or a dinner outside your living area gives you opportunities to grow together and understand one another. Romance is possible. Put on some of your favorite music and dance to the beat.

        You appreciate your particular situation and enjoy the professional support from those around you. This may mean it is your turn to lecture or speak to a group of people about your progress or about your technique or to encourage financial gifts for a cause. You constantly cultivate only a joyful mind and do the uttermost to pass that attitude along to others. It's wisdom, not knowledge, that counts now. You may find yourself surrounded by your peers after the workday has ended. This evening you may be helping a relative or friend by babysitting. Your creative imagination is in full swing. You have a strong sense for the dramatic and the ability to express ideas of a mystical flavor. If there is a sort of story time tonight, it will be lots of fun

        Everything seems to be working together and you enjoy all the communication technology. New gadgets for communication are the latest, greatest tools. You are very skilled at implementing change and improving existing circumstances. You will seek to understand and improve situations wherever you are, as you enjoy securing ways to a better living. Inventions and discoveries, in particular in communications, computers and electronics, may be possible. Perhaps you have a new computer, exercise machine or cooking tool. You bring incentive to areas where new development or improvement is taking place. You can teach and help others to improve conditions in their lives. This is a good day with much inspiration.

        This morning will be a time of introspection. You may find yourself visiting a new location for your business or checking out a real-estate investment. Whether this is personal or professional, your input seems to be an important factor in completing the deal. A difficult co-worker may vocalize a bit of jealousy. You show tolerance and are accepting of differences--you have good insights into a need for better communication. You will compromise or otherwise show your abilities and possibilities. There is an opportunity for a social affair this afternoon and positive communication among co-workers, friends, neighbors or relatives will put you in a good position to have your own needs met. Take the opportunity this evening to relax.

        You could be planning the weekend from your desk today. A family outing is just what has been needed to really enjoy the input that each person can offer. Phoning ahead will allow you reservations for a place at a park or motel at a popular resort or tourist attraction. If you want emotional support and attention, you must communicate and that is what this weekend is all about--positive communication. Don't forget to take your camera, as there will be some funny moments you will want to refer to later. You may look back on this time as very comfortable. You have a great sensitivity to the needs of others--an awareness of karma, or the link between the present and the past, is your path to spiritual growth now.

        Completing old projects finally gives you a sense of relief. Unanswered questions finally have an answer. If you are looking to change jobs, now is a good time to prepare your resume and plan your path of action--not necessarily a time to change. If you have complaints, take notes of dates, times and facts. You may change your mind about changing your job. Ideas and thoughts will have greater meaning and form this afternoon. You may be encouraged to try your hand at some new project or help in some planning committee. You can appreciate an imaginative approach and may value communal or futuristic ideas. Refinement and relationships are the keys to emotional satisfaction this evening. Close personal ties to other people are most important now.

        It looks like your daily schedule will pick up speed next week. Today is the day you and your co-workers make final decisions about scheduling, projects, etc. Strong group ties help to keep each person honest in decision making but there are always disputes. Any problems will have quick answers when patience is peppered all around. Feeding the ducks, picnic lunch, people watching all come under the areas in which you might enjoy spending your time this afternoon. Remember the saying about too much work makes one rather dull. This is just one of those great days, even if it may be raining--stop and be thankful for all that you have. The power that surrounds us at times of quiet meditation is great beyond understanding, especially if you are in nature's arms.

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 5:00 pm