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    Fatalawi infallible: Iraq is not zero on the north of the President

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    Fatalawi infallible: Iraq is not zero on the north of the President Empty Fatalawi infallible: Iraq is not zero on the north of the President

    Post by Rocky Tue May 23, 2017 2:39 am

    Fatalawi infallible: Iraq is not zero on the north of the President

    Political Since 2017-05-22 at 20:10 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    Independent MP Hanan al-Fatlawi, who led the movement of the will of President Fuad Masum, criticized the Iraqi opposition at the Saudi-American summit held in Riyadh for not giving President Fuad Masoum a chance to speak during the meeting. President ".
    The visit of President Fuad Masum to Saudi Arabia, the modest reception he received and the inability to speak at the Riyadh summit, provoked angry reactions from deputies and journalists accusing him of causing insult to the Iraqi state.
    "Iraq is not zero on the north," said Hanan al-Fatlawi, a deputy.
    "If I were your place at the summit of Riyadh to hear the voice of Iraq against their will or left and maintained the dignity of my country !!"
    For her part, said member of the Committee on Foreign Relations parliamentary, Samira Moussaoui that her committee "did not meet to discuss the repercussions of what happened at the Riyadh conference." Noting that "there is nothing to explain the continuation of the President of the Republic to continue the work of the conference and stay despite the neglect and had to withdraw."
    "Although his speech is ignored within the scheduled agenda, this is contrary to the objectives of the conference to combat terrorism and the internal security of Iraq and its support in the war against the support and bear the material and moral losses."
    "Iraq has not enjoyed the diplomatic relations that are worthy of a sovereign state and global and regional political independence, and everyone knows that the recent opening of Saudi Arabia to diplomatic, commercial and security relations in Iraq is an open international pressure exerted by the United States of America. "He said.
    MP Nassif said that "Masoom visited Saudi Arabia in his capacity as President of the Republic of Iraq. He was received by a person with the status of Deputy Governor of the Riyadh Region. The Saudi government did not commit itself to sending a high ranking official to receive an infallible airport. From which the oldest civilizations in the history of mankind, but infallible nevertheless insisted on completing the visit and participate in the conference of the Islamic Trump, "as she put it.
    "It would have been better for us to return immediately to Baghdad and prefer the national interest to any other interest, and our interest requires preserving the prestige of the Iraqi state and not allowing abuse by any state or entity, and therefore there is no justification for insisting on going beyond the subject and completing the visit, Stressing that "Iraq is the most state absorbed by the fire of terrorism and if the purpose of the conference Trump is to combat terrorism should have been given priority and the top of Iraq in the conference."
    The Iraqi journalist in the newspaper Al-Mada Mazen al-Zaidi criticized President Fuad Masum in a sarcastic article titled "Infallible at the Top of Shame", in which he said: "When our president flies joyfully to call him by the charge d'affaires, , It's a shame on him. " "When you accept that you are received in the presence of a deputy Amir, not even a prince or a crown prince, for example, this is a shame on you."
    The researcher and former adviser Khaled Yacoubi commented on the denial of the right of the infallible to give the floor, saying "the face of terrorism and the most victim of the victims of which did not address this conference."
    On Sunday, the Arab-American Islamic Summit, with the participation of leaders and representatives of 55 countries, announced the final declaration of Arab and Islamic states to establish a military force of 34 fighters to combat terrorism in Iraq and Syria.
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