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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Security commends the parliamentary role in the success of the process of citizens ((revenge martyrs


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Security commends the parliamentary role in the success of the process of citizens ((revenge martyrs Empty Security commends the parliamentary role in the success of the process of citizens ((revenge martyrs

    Post by chouchou Sat 24 Aug 2013, 7:00 am

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    Security leaders praised the role of citizens in the success of the process of «revenge martyrs» to target the nests of terrorists, while military leaders announced the arrest of 66 required during security operations to dry up the sources of terrorism in Iraq.

    Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Security and Defense Iskandar, Tut told (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network): The «Committee discussed with the Baghdad Operations Command, the most important results achieved by operations« avenge the martyrs »parties to the capital as well as spread to the surrounding cities serve the public interest», adding that « the role of citizens was to deliver information about the presence of terrorists for the purpose of imposing security to those areas.

    For his part, stressed member of the Iraqi List Haider Mulla (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network), that "his list with the continuation of military operations targeting terrorists who target citizens through bombings in many areas, provided there are no arbitrary arrests.

    In turn, the student member of the Baghdad Provincial Council «security agencies and the media to address the rumors launched by tendentious views opposed to the political process and fight to reassure citizens», adding that «the provincial council supports changes in the security plans contribute to reducing the suffering of the Baghdadi citizen.

    In the meantime, the head of awakening the people of Iraq and Sam Hardan's (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network): The «circle of arms and reconciliation are currently receiving numerous requests from elements of the Awakening who left work because of low salaries previously did not يتنصلوا their duties security», adding that «elements Awakening continues to increase as it exceeded the 50 thousand distributors element on all areas of responsibility.

    To the police forces arrested in Anbar 4 terrorists wanted to eliminate issued against them arrest warrants in the area bounded between Ramadi and Fallujah, based on intelligence information.

    And said the provincial police chief Major General Hadi Rseg's (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network), that "the operations of the prosecution wanted terrorists still ongoing across the province without interruption," adding that "terrorist operations in the province began بالاضمحلال after the arrest of several terrorist networks and their leaders Planners and perpetrators of terrorist acts. "

    As police chief Salahuddin Maj. Gen. F stubbornness in a press statement, arresting 42 wanted and suspects during a security operation carried out in the area of ​​the island west of Baiji, stressing that "the security forces found the two platforms to launch rockets and explosive materials and improvised explosive devices and adhesives."

    He added that intransigence "battalions forces emergency also arrested 8 wanted during a security operation carried out by in Alaath area of ​​the spend SHIRQAT and according to intelligence information."

    Security sources said a high-level (l Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network): "The security forces arrested 12 wanted to spend in the region of Nibai north of the capital Baghdad," adding that "the security forces did not arrests Random not be based on court orders."

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