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    US report reveals list of Middle East countries most possessing missiles

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    US report reveals list of Middle East countries most possessing missiles Empty US report reveals list of Middle East countries most possessing missiles

    Post by Rocky Sat 27 May 2017, 2:36 am

    US report reveals list of Middle East countries most possessing missiles

    Washington - The proliferation of ballistic missiles and short-range missiles in the Middle East is a major destabilizing factor in the region, according to a report released by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
    The report said that more than 90 percent of the ballistic missiles used in conflicts in the world since the end of the Second World War were in the Middle East, has been launched since then more than 5000 rockets in the region.
    In addition, missile defenses have become a key role in countering the rise of offensive missile arsenals, because the latter has become a very prominent and characteristic feature of the wars in the Middle East. The following is an overview and summary of the most important and dangerous missile arsenals in the Middle East.
    It comes in the front of the list:
    Israel has the largest missile arsenal in the Middle East, and has succeeded in building effective defense networks.
    Israel has three new missile defense systems that enhance its missile defense options.
    The Arrow-3 missile defense interceptor is designed to intercept advanced missiles in space, which provides the possibility of hitting ballistic missiles during flight, and intercepting a high altitude significantly reduces the risk, especially if the missile's missile head contains chemical or biological agents .
    Iron Dome, a mobile air defense system that can intercept short-range missiles and artillery shells at close ranges (from 4 to 70 kilometers) and be able to locate the incoming missiles.
    The David Sling system designed to intercept short range ballistic missiles and heavy missiles was designed to intercept aircraft, drones, tactical ballistic missiles, medium and long range missiles and cruise missiles, and at distances ranging from 40 to 300 kilometers.
    Israel relies primarily on its arsenal of Jericho 3 ballistic missiles, with a range of 4,800 to 6,500 km, as well as the Israeli-made "Popeye" series, air-to-surface missiles with strikes Min, and a long-range turbine supplement used for Israeli submarines.
    Iran ranked second:
    Iran has successfully developed its rocket power over the past years. According to the report, Iran has the Shahab-3 missile, which extends to Israel, Afghanistan and western Saudi Arabia, as well as the development of a 1,600-kilometer Kader 1 missile, With a range of 2000 to 2500 km entered the service in 2014, which can replace the Shahab missiles.
    Cruise missiles also occupy a prominent position in Iran's missile ambitions. Tehran announced in 2012 it is developing 14 cruise missiles of various models.
    Iran has recently unveiled a cruise missile for the Sumar ground attack, with an estimated range of 2,000 to 2,500 km.
    Iran has sought Russian air defenses, recently received from Russia S-300.
    Syria ranked third:
    The report pointed out that Syria owned one of the largest arsenals of missiles in the Middle East, before being eroded by the civil war that broke out in the beginning of 2011, pointing out that most of them missiles Russian, Chinese and North Korean.
    Its arsenal includes a Scud-B missile with a range of 300 km and Scud-C missiles with ranges of up to 550 km. Syria is said to have received Scud-D missiles, with a range of 700 km.
    Syria also has the "Fateh-3" missiles with a range of 200 km, the report pointed out that Syria received from Russia cruise missiles anti-ship.
    Saudi Arabia ranked fourth:
    Saudi Arabia has a relatively small ballistic missile arsenal, the first batch of which was supplied from China in 1987, before being modified, to a range of up to 2,500 km, the "F-3". Israel and Iran, but because of its inaccuracy, it does not achieve the desired results towards its objectives.
    In 2007, the Saudis received a Chinese D-21 rocket containing solid fuel with a range of 1,700 kilometers. Being a solid fuel rocket makes it more ready to launch from the "DF-3", and more accurate hitting targets.
    Turkey ranked fifth:
    The report also referred to Turkey's missile power, stressing that it relies primarily on short-range missiles of up to 250 km, referring to Ankara's reliance on security assurances by the United States and NATO in general as a member of NATO.
    Ankara also appears to be interested in having the first long-range ballistic missile, being developed by the Turkish arms factory, Rocketsan.
    At the end of the report, he said stability in the Middle East was not only threatened by rockets, but also by short-range rockets launched by non-state actors such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
    Although Israel is one of the most developed countries with advanced military power and the only nuclear power in the entire region, it remains particularly vulnerable to rocket attacks because of its geography and the fighting in neighboring countries.
    According to the report, the GCC countries are at risk of Iranian missiles, prompting them to focus on establishing defensive networks to protect their airspace and territory.
    The report stressed the need for the GCC States to focus on the establishment of a joint defense network, and not individual to target Iranian cruise missiles.
    The report stressed that one of the things that should not happen is the strengthening of US President Donald Trump to the idea of ​​"North Atlantic Treaty," which was addressed under the Obama administration in 2015, which was not implemented at the time. Finished

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