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    Found the body of an official close to Putin at a hotel in Washington

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277689
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Found the body of an official close to Putin at a hotel in Washington Empty Found the body of an official close to Putin at a hotel in Washington

    Post by Rocky Sat 27 May 2017, 3:00 am

    Found the body of an official close to Putin at a hotel in Washington

    Arab and international Saturday 27 May 2017

    He found the millionaire and former Russian Minister of Information Mikhail Lysine is close to President Vladimir Putin, dead at the American Hotel in Washington, DC ,.

    Lysine, who was accused by Russian opposition to the suppression of the media in Russia, was found dead in "The Dupont Circle" hotel last Thursday, and his death comes amid tension in relations between Russia and the United States.

    The US authorities informed the Russian embassy and his death is seeking the two authorities to determine the circumstances of his death.

    And participated in the founding of lysine media group "Russia Today" in English, backed by the Russian government speaking, the group says it wants to provide an alternative vision of major global events with the "Russian view".

    Republican Senator Roger Wicker, he had called for in July 2014 a federal investigation into the lysine to see if it whitens money in the United States or whether it is linked to persons subject of US sanctions.

    He took leucine as Minister of Information in Russia between 1999 and 2004, and an adviser to Vladimir Putin in the establishment of "Russia Today" and General Manager of Media Holding Company of the Russian oil giant "Gazprom", according to Senator.

    Many of the properties in Europe as acquired for millions of dollars, and also many of the accommodation in Los Angeles, worth more than $ 28 million.

    Senator Roger Wicker, in a letter sent in July 2014 the Ministry of Justice, "an employee to be able to collect the property of this importance raises serious questions."

      Current date/time is Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:27 am