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    A "very complex" American experience in anticipation of an attack by North Korea

    Admin Assist
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    A "very complex" American experience in anticipation of an attack by North Korea Empty A "very complex" American experience in anticipation of an attack by North Korea

    Post by Rocky Sat 27 May 2017, 3:54 am

    A "very complex" American experience in anticipation of an attack by North Korea

    Release Date: 2017/5/27

    The US military is testing an intercontinental ballistic missile of the type North Korea is seeking to acquire this week, the Pentagon said Friday.
    The missile defense agency said the test would take place this week, including the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean and another interceptor missile from the US Air Force base in California.
    According to the Pentagon, the interception of an intercontinental ballistic missile with a Missile missile is "a very complex operation", similar to that of another bullet.
    The agency said the test would allow the United States to assess the effectiveness of its anti-missile missile defense system.
    The last experience of this kind dates back to 2014 and has been successful, but three other trials have failed.
    The intercontinental missile intercept depends on an integrated system of radars distributed around the world and satellites. Its mission is to monitor and track enemy missiles and then launch interceptor missiles to drop them while flying, depending on the kinetic energy of the interceptor missile.
    North Korea is conducting tests to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States.
    US missiles capable of intercepting intercontinental missiles are found in only two bases, the first in Alaska and the second in California, which are rare and very expensive.
    According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, the number of these missiles reached 36 rockets only at the end of 2016, rising to 44 by the end of this year.

      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 6:43 pm