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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The leader of North Korea publishes all weapons in the country

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277595
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The leader of North Korea publishes all weapons in the country Empty The leader of North Korea publishes all weapons in the country

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 May 2017, 2:06 am

    The leader of North Korea publishes all weapons in the country

    Arab and international Sunday 28 May 2017

    News agency said the North Korean official, Sunday, the country's leader Kim Jong-un oversaw testing a new anti-aircraft weapons system is produced on a larger scale and published all over North Korea.

    The agency said that this experiment "aimed at improving the performance of the combat system of land-to-air interceptors designed by new customers, engineers, according to the military strategy of the country's missiles."

    The objectives of the experiment included the discovery of unmanned aircraft and missiles to the enemy and supposed to be destroyed. The agency quoted Korean leader Kim as saying: "Some of the technical problems shown by the test of the system itself exceeded conducted in April last year, which led to increased accuracy in target detection and injury."

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