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    Expert in ports: the parliamentary vote on the Convention on navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah waive

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    Expert in ports: the parliamentary vote on the Convention on navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah waive Empty Expert in ports: the parliamentary vote on the Convention on navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah waive

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Aug 2013, 4:52 am

    Expert in ports: the parliamentary vote on the Convention on navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah waiver of the country's maritime border

     BASRA / Rissan-Cheetah

    Criticized maritime expert in the General Company for Ports parliamentary vote on the Convention on the navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah, noting that this agreement serves as a waiver of the maritime border of the country, while considered a member of the House of Representatives high Nassif from voice to this Convention that he sold the borders of Iraq Navy to Kuwait.
    The expert said Marine General Company for Ports

    Kazem cup erythema that "the parliamentary vote on the agreement between Iraq and Kuwait on navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah is a concession by the government of Iraq to neighboring countries in the recipe," adding that this agreement was discussed by the experts Commodores from Basra, who preparing references offshore in the region.

    adding expert navigational Captain maritime "long" that "on adoption of the Convention is black, a concession to the sovereignty of Iraq Navy, noting that it has transformed Iraq into a state closed sea, having committed its leaders Hvutem marine disastrous.

    between erythema "I did not not since the beginning of Kuwait which existed in this section of water isolated adjacent to the FAO, and next to the port of Umm Qasr, stressing that the ratification of the treaty Kuwait was granted by stretching the border towards our shores, and confiscated last Mstahatna Navy, and deprives us of fishing and navigation, especially after the conviction of the Iraqi parliament Kuwait's sovereignty on Khawr Abd Allah, and considered Mtfdilh we allow them to move and sailing in territorial waters, which has become now the property purely for Kuwait, which threatens the possibility of losing to our platforms oil floating in the creek Alkhvqhohakl buoys rotary. "

    and called erythema Basra Governorate Council not to silence the fact that Basra was deprived of due water and navigation, after he approached the Kuwaiti border marine to the Iranian border marine intervals of no more than 30 kilometers, and we are in the dead corner. "

    said Hamami "We have lost Shatt al-Arab and then lost the Khawr Abd Allah, Fteradjana and shrunk our coasts, and approached the maritime borders of the Kuwaiti border, the Iranian navy in the Khawr Abd Allah , and became
    distance shorthand between them within a few kilometers.

    to the MP said high Nassif during a press conference the parliament building that "the House of Representatives the vote this Convention voted to sell Hdodularac marine Alcopt." revealed Nassif she "collected more than 80 signatures to postpone the vote This Convention is while listening to the opinion maritime and international and legal in this Convention. "

    explained Nassif that "the Convention does not fall within the international agreements that have been agreed because the international resolutions concerning land borders only and not the maritime border, calling on the Iraqi public to" claim displays the names of Representatives who Sotoaaly this agreement in order to know the people who sold the maritime border of Iraq. "

    The House of Representatives may vote on Thursday on the law on ratification of the agreement between Iraq and Kuwait on navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah.

      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 2:35 pm