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    Lavrov from Cairo: We support any initiative to stop the financing of terrorism

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Lavrov from Cairo: We support any initiative to stop the financing of terrorism Empty Lavrov from Cairo: We support any initiative to stop the financing of terrorism

    Post by Rocky Tue 30 May 2017, 4:10 am

    Lavrov from Cairo: We support any initiative to stop the financing of terrorism

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

    Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday, expressed his country 's support for any initiative aimed at halting the financing of terrorism.
    Lavrov stressed at a news conference with his Egyptian counterpart , Sameh Shukri in Cairo that cooperation between Egypt and Russia "indispensable to counter terrorism."

    For his part, Shukri said that his country looks forward because Russia employs its potential to cooperate with Egypt against terrorist organizations.

    It addressed thanks to the air operations launched by Egypt in Libya, saying that "the existence of terrorist organizations (in Libya) and taken to the rules of training and starting to Egyptian territory constitutes a direct threat to Egyptian national security."

    He said that Egypt "targeted the rules of these regulations to eliminate them and limit their ability to threaten Egyptian national security and this is in full coordination with the Libyan national army and political parties working to restore stability in Libya."

    The Egyptian and Libyan aircraft had launched, on Sunday night, raids on militant groups sites in Jufrah series, in the latest air strikes to force the Egyptian air and Libya after the bloody attack, which targeted a bus of the Copts in Minya, Egypt.

    It is noteworthy that the Egyptian government confirmed that the perpetrators of the bloody attack, which killed 29 people, including women and children, and adopted by the organization Daesh, who had received training in an area of ​​Libya under the control of hardline militias fighting the Libyan army.

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Sep 2024, 12:54 am