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    Matthijs North Korea a threat to longer for all and calls for evacuation of nuclear

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     Matthijs North Korea a threat to longer for all and calls for evacuation of nuclear Empty Matthijs North Korea a threat to longer for all and calls for evacuation of nuclear

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Jun 2017, 2:17 am

    Matthijs North Korea a threat to longer for all and calls for evacuation of nuclear


    Direction Press / Agencies
    US Secretary of Defense James Mattis, said on Saturday: North Korea and its nuclear weapons program constitute a "threat to all of us" and called on the international community to work together on this issue.
    He Matisse, in a speech during his attendance at the summit's defense in the "Shangri-La" in Singapore: So it is imperative that we have to each of us as it to complete our commitments and work together to support our common goal of making the Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons.
    He said US Secretary of Defense: the actions of the system (North Korea) is clearly illegal under international law, and added: There is a strong international consensus that the status quo can not continue. China's declared policy on the Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons is also our policy, as well as Japan and the Republic of Korea policy.

    On Monday, Pyongyang conducted a missile test is the latest in a series of missile and nuclear tests that led to the escalation of tension on its quest to develop a missile is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead up to the United States.
    The visit came Matthes in order to reassure allies that the United States could exert pressure on China over its demand for sovereignty over the South China Sea, and at the same time convince Beijing that the control of North Korea is part of its security interests.

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Sep 2024, 8:12 pm