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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Pictures .. 6 killed and dozens wounded victims of the attacks in London and the liquidation of 3 a

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Pictures .. 6 killed and dozens wounded victims of the attacks in London and the liquidation of 3 a Empty Pictures .. 6 killed and dozens wounded victims of the attacks in London and the liquidation of 3 a

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Jun 2017, 3:26 am

    Pictures .. 6 killed and dozens wounded victims of the attacks in London and the liquidation of 3 attackers


    Killed at least 6 people and wounded dozens, last night, in London, a result of a series of attacks carried out by a group of three attackers were eliminated by the police.

    The London police said that the attacks carried out by one group of 3 people, closed car (van) and ran over pedestrians on the London Bridge, then got out of the car, and they stabbed visitors to restaurants and cafes with knives in the Borough Market area.

    Said Mark Rowley, senior anti-terrorism officers in Britain: "Armed police responded with great courage quickly, and faced three suspects and were shot and killed in Borough Market."

    He added: "Unfortunately, killing six people died, in addition to the three attackers were killed by police bullets."

    He continued: "The police, confronted the suspects and fired on them, within 8 minutes of the first contact. The suspects were dressed in what looked like explosive belts but later proved to trick it."

    London ambulance service said that 48 injured were taken to five hospitals in the capital, while doctors provided the required treatment to the others in place.

    She recounted a witness to the British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC" she saw a light truck type, the white run over pedestrians, led by a man was walking "quickly about 50 miles (80 kilometers) per hour."

    The Transport Authority closed the London Bridge station at the request of the police, and advised the last residents to stay away from the area.

    The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, said that the attack "a possible terrorist act."
    Mai said in a statement: "After the follow-up reports of police and security officials, I can confirm that dealing with the horrific events in London as the work of being a potential terrorist."
    4 terrorists killed 52 people coordinated suicide attacks on the transport network in London.
    The incident comes less than two weeks after a suicide attack killed 22 people in a concert of American singer Ariana Grande in Manchester, northern England.
    The bombing of Manchester, which took place on May 22 / May, the deadliest in Britain since July 2005, when four terrorists killed 52 people coordinated suicide attacks on the transport network in London.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 10:18 pm