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    Panic in London .. and a new toll for victims of the attack "bridge"

    Admin Assist
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    Panic in London .. and a new toll for victims of the attack "bridge" Empty Panic in London .. and a new toll for victims of the attack "bridge"

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Jun 2017, 3:59 am

    Panic in London .. and a new toll for victims of the attack "bridge"

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

    Confirmed news reports on Sunday, the high number of people injured in "terrorist" attacks on Saturday night - Sunday in the British capital London, and left about 50 people, some of them dangerous condition.

    British police rushed to the location of an accident on the London Bridge, after witnesses said that a car "van" ran some passers-by, where a witness "Reuters" said she had seen people cut off their necks, apparently.

    British police reported that they are dealing with an incident without revealing further details, while the ambulance staff said they sent multiple resources to the scene. A journalist from "Reuters" near the site that he saw ten police cars heading towards London Bridge.

    While another witness said the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), she saw a white van color run over pedestrians. She added that "the car hit five to six people."

    Television pictures showed dozens of emergency vehicles in the area around London Bridge area.

    The Transport Authority closed the said bridge station at the request of the police.

    British police said they are looking for three suspects after the incident bridge.

    In context, the medical equipment said it dealt with a number of people with less serious injuries at the scene, while others were transferred the injured to five hospitals.

    The attackers drove a pickup truck speeding and ran over pedestrians on the London Bridge before brawlers other people in the neighboring "Bara Market" area in what the British authorities to "terrorist acts".

    It announced the ambulance service in the British capital, the transfer of dozens to hospitals in London after the attacks that occurred in the city center, while the three major hospitals in London closed its doors after attacks near London Bridge.

    The Authority, which runs hospitals on "Twitter": "Given the continuing incident in central London, close jays, St. Thomas and Evelyn hospitals to maintain the safety of patients, relatives and employees

      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 12:37 am