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    Specialists: Resolution 347 suspended Baghdad investment allocations and budget fake

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    Specialists: Resolution 347 suspended Baghdad investment allocations and budget fake Empty Specialists: Resolution 347 suspended Baghdad investment allocations and budget fake

    Post by Rocky Tue 06 Jun 2017, 3:54 am

    Specialists: Resolution 347 suspended Baghdad investment allocations and budget fake

    BAGHDAD - Fadia Hikmat

    Rapporteur of the Services and Construction Parliamentary Huda carpets in a special statement to the Journal said, "The deterioration of the fact the service in the capital is due to a lot of the window and amended by the Iraqi Council of Representatives legislation, and we decided in the Committee and the Baghdad Provincial Council to form a committee headed by the Director-General of the municipalities take into account the collection cleanings streets shops for more than monthly Aejaratha rates, and that there is no equality between the shops that exist in areas Aejaratha expensive and popular areas, in addition to Alchagaf in the federal budget, especially that it includes simple revenue for the expenses of the special part, this service is part of the Capital ".

    She added that "what is Astviaah of wages collection may not fill the wages of workers let alone the service type" remarkable considering that the lack of planning and the real administration one of the important pillars in the deterioration of the fact the service of the capital so far municipalities Directorate and the Municipality of Baghdad that has not been able to transmit projects to companies and laboratories recycling and then get rid of the vast amount of waste and accumulations

    She planned the Committee "that water and sanitation systems and carrier lines such as Khansa lines are a large part of which stopped because of the inability to pay advances contractors and therefore the government has to go to pay on credit especially water and sewage networks, and there was directed from the government that the payments on the projects exchange which amounts to 90% completion rates, which went to the citizen and then should not hold sewer lines over capacity so as not to increase the muddy water.
    And called on the government carpets that are going to service, water and sewage projects not only in the capital , but in all the provinces, noting that an estimated proportion losses on discontinued water and sewage projects by about $ 6 billion in all of Iraq began atrophied and decline rates of achievement for you eat as a result of stopping it and not completing and depreciation and then the percentage should be taken from the funds of foreign loans to revive those projects. "

    He confirmed "that Baghdad is in the process of change the geographical sub-regions , and the original has been greatly expanded , we have changed the design basis for the municipalities in the capital , compared to 2003 , as legislation has been transforming the sex of agricultural land to land the King of residential exchange law."
    For his part , the first deputy governor of Baghdad , Jassim Alboukhata said in a statement to the Journal that "the absence of a legislative climate for projects stalled led to the deterioration of the fact the service of the capital and resources that are collected by the Baghdad Water and municipalities Baghdad must turn to the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works according to the proposal of the provincial council, there was also a proposal to exchange commercial materials outside of Baghdad to the borders of activating and activating clubs levies and youth forums, which is estimated at more than 70 clubs in addition to other investment sectors , including the collection of resources from heavy vehicles entering the capital. "

    "The semi - disabled investments in Baghdad and that there are more than 320 projects on the table for the implementation of the stalled because of a lack of liquidity include city malls and residential cities and places of entertainment games, many obstacles , including government red tape and investment law."
    He continued , "The most important collection sites are trade in Baghdad belt which is dealt with for taking levies on trucks and vehicles carrying various materials and goods in addition to the collection through petrol stations and the possibility of the animals islands that have been stopping by because of the 347 decision issued by the Ministry of Planning , which is required All institutions to stop the projects so that the percentage of completion up above 90%, which was released in conjunction with the financial health and that halted nearly 700 service project in Baghdad. "

    He Alboukhata to "that the budget allocated to the province of Baghdad of 800 billion dinars are converted 25% of the Baghdad Municipality for the infrastructure sector and the remaining districts of Baghdad , such as nationality, traffic and water systems, sewage treatment and other, adding that the government should go beyond the routine and do the attractive investment laws."
    He attributed the Baghdad Provincial Council member Thaer Bahadli weakness witnessed the reality of services in the capital to the existence of cases of financial and administrative corruption in addition to the lack of follow - up

    According Bahadli in a press interview, said that many of the service sectors depend mainly mainly on the collection, including fines and fees profession, and irregularities in the financing of these institutions operations after it failed in 2015 budget to supplement the government cuts money in addition to the austerity policy currently pursued by the country
    and said, there is a lot one of the reasons that led to the failure to provide services as the best in the capital , including the existence of cases of financial and administrative corruption in addition to the lack of follow - up, which led to the occurrence of significant delay in the work of these institutions
    and stressed the need for citizen cooperation with the concerned authorities, including keen p Z repay his trust bills and collection of funds for the sustainability and continuity of service delivery to him.

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