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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    08~27~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
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    Age : 53

    08~27~2013 Horoscopes Empty 08~27~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Tue 27 Aug 2013, 5:39 am

        A feeling of restlessness this morning may lead you to list the variety of things you want to accomplish now. Some political issues may come to your attention but most of all you just want to complete your work so you can make some phone calls for a future get-together with friends. This afternoon your activities center on finishing up old business and list making. Your many responsibilities around the home front may keep you away from those who offer you a much-needed relaxation this afternoon. There are errands to run and people to see. Soon enough however, you will be able to spend some quiet time with a loved ones. Use the fresh fruits in the stores now for after dinner desert treats, perhaps a tart.

        Much of your time today is geared toward work. Later today, you may be performing or attending a performance of some sort. If you are performing, there will be time for pictures or to purchase new clothing for the evening's celebration. For now however, the importance of your completing an ongoing task is high on the list of accomplishments. You take an active interest in psychology, different cultures and history. You can find support from all sides when it comes to any sort of mental activity--writing, speaking and all forms of communication. You have high ideals and an ability to enchant others with your words and images. Your presence has a way of easing things and helping those around you. A sick friend feels better after your visit.

        You express yourself deliberately and do not waste your words. You have a natural sense of organization and come across as regimented and perhaps a little too sober at times. Today will bring opportunities to loosen up and enjoy yourself, the day and your surroundings. Making your own special contribution, teaching or helping someone progress and achieve is a positive happening. Being with your loved ones or favored friend this afternoon is rewarding, fun and inspiring. There are quick answers, great wit and an excess of insights. This afternoon revolves around a variety of social gatherings; the joy of interacting with others is in high gear. The perfect escape from the ordinary should be merged into your life more often

        Again, you may find yourself in a group activity. This most probably could be within a conference meeting in the workplace. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others and are in a good position to communicate. Lovers, children and other people or things dear to your heart are emphasized this afternoon. Being appreciated and admired for your gifts and talents are powerful needs. Taking chances, perhaps reaching out to make friends with those who seem distant, whether it is with some activity, people, entertainment, etc., can bring big rewards. You could discover yourself through creativity and self-expression. This recent increased confidence may be a key to career opportunities.

        Your finished work will be well received; keep up your good work and do not slack . . . You will be most pleased with the results. A little research has brought you to some interesting insights . . . Think of what more research could do. This afternoon you may find yourself relaxing with neighbors or sibling. You handle words and tell stories with consummate skill and others love to hear you speak or entertain. You read stories from aesop's fables to young people this afternoon. Things change and people move--you may want to get it all on videotape or perhaps just a tape recorder for all to enjoy. Creative ideas are plentiful--perhaps a progressive backyard barbecue, swim party, sports competition, etc. You will enjoy good communication all day long.

    The pull to change or to try new things may challenge you in the work area this morning. Perhaps a meeting can occur that will give opportunities to all persons to present their own ideas of how they might or might not want things changed. This will certainly cut down on arguments and may even allow you more freedom. Family, home and security seem just about ideal to you and you may decide to stop and purchase an item or two for your home or garden. You may decide to begin some type of yard work or design a hothouse or a fall garden--you have plenty of ideas. You are very imaginative with your home and domestic setup. Getting everyone involved in a rap session of planning is also good. A sense of community pervades your family life.

        You appear comfortable with yourself today. Everything seems to be working together--you may find yourself able to communicate well. You have a natural sense for communicating with others, especially those younger than yourself. Teaching, lecturing or making presentations tends to show off your showmanship in grand ways. This is a time for imagination and creativity; you can be spellbinding. You are successful in your endeavors, particularly today. You have great insight into matters of personal freedom. You come up with brilliant ways to help others express themselves. You could be helping with babysitting this evening. You relax with children in activities that may include sports, acting, singing, etc.

        You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today. You are very much involved with all that is traditional, but with this special twist. You are a revolutionary when it comes to the domestic scene and have some very special insights into home, family and surroundings. You will be giving your home surroundings much scrutiny today. You may want to do some repairs--or in some way, conceal what is present. One way to do this is in window treatment or interesting paint patterns on your walls. This type of change holds your interest now. You like unconventional friends and are a nonconformist yourself. You have friends that may enjoy helping you today--in turn, you want to help them. You enjoy sharing new techniques.

        You find yourself in a very practical mood--working with, instead of against, yourself. Security is very important and you may find that you are most interested in checking out ways in which to secure your possessions or your business, if you have your own business. There is a promise of company or plans for a dinner party soon. This may have you interested in spending some extra time in a special section of the grocery store. You set out to purchase all the ingredients necessary for a superlative meal. You are also interested in growing things, perhaps herbs, and may take the opportunity to pick up some information on preferred plants for a little garden. You provide peaceful surroundings. It would be fun to have a small pot of herbs for each dinner guest.

        You have a special way with the older people in the workplace as well as within the family setting. As a teacher, you may find yourself spending quite a bit of time teaching music, sewing or any of the creative arts. An inner vision coupled with the ability to see the big picture often finds you working as a go-between with others. You are very giving, accommodating and even flattering in relationships, able to adjust to any situation. Reflective and tactful, you are able to please others. Above all, you are forever charming and gracious as well as a bit mysterious. With all of this going for you, you are able to pick and choose a love relationship of your desire and not just whoever comes along. Be prepared for romance this evening.

        You may be planning a large get-together with the press or a big sales promotion and hiring people to advance your business or your career. You are on the right track but do consider saving a little research money for another promotion in about a month. This way, the word not only gets around but sticks in the mind of those who will support you. This may be political, show business or a new business; whatever the case, you will find success. If you have not done this type of advertisement before now, you might call or request a get-together with someone that has done this type of advertising and retain some expert advice. There may be prizes, food choices, decorations, etc. You can then take the ideas and organize the best part.

        Join in the teamwork and group spirit today. There are opportunities to learn about your working mates in a team support type of situation. Working together to bring about some venture has resulted in a positive outcome and there is time later today to celebrate and praise each other. A clever person you are . . . Taking the opportunity to show your work or ideas to others is a good idea but it is important not to reveal too many details, keeping your name on your work. Higher-ups are watching you and they will be interested in what you have to offer. You may reach new levels in understanding about life today. The evening's energies are more toward relaxation and appreciation. This may mean a walk or bicycle ride through the park
    Wayne Irby
    Wayne Irby
    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

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    08~27~2013 Horoscopes Empty Re: 08~27~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Wayne Irby Tue 27 Aug 2013, 6:18 am

    Thanks Cat, how are you doing these days?

    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    08~27~2013 Horoscopes Empty Re: 08~27~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Tue 27 Aug 2013, 10:53 am

    Hey Wayne !! Your Very Welcome for the scopes Hope they are good !! LOL I am doing good these days Feeling much better ! Still a little slow in some areas but hey will take time to get back to where I was before I went to sleep !! :)

    How are you doing ? Are you still In Mississippi ?

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