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    Diplomatic source: Abadi will visit Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to meet King Salman

    Admin Assist
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    Diplomatic source: Abadi will visit Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to meet King Salman Empty Diplomatic source: Abadi will visit Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to meet King Salman

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Jun 2017, 1:18 am

    Diplomatic source: Abadi will visit Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to meet King Salman

    Political process Since 2017-06-12 at 12:56 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will begin an official visit to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, during which he will meet with King Salman bin Abdul Aziz.
    A diplomatic source in Riyadh told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that "the repercussions of the crisis between Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain on the one hand, and Qatar on the other, in addition to the situation on the Iraqi and Syrian arenas, During the establishment of a joint coordination council and secure the border between the two countries after the collapse of the (Daash) in Mosul will lead talks Abadi with Saudi officials. "
    The source pointed out that "a positive atmosphere began to prevail relations between the two countries since the visit of Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir to Iraq in late February, and meeting with Abadi and senior Iraqi officials, and followed by the visit of Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Faleh late last month to Baghdad during which he discussed with Iraqi government officials the situation In the oil market and the issue of extension of the agreement to reduce production. "
    King Abdullah met Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on the sidelines of the Arab summit in Jordan in late March.
    The source revealed the desire of the parties to cooperate in a "clear and clear" in the region in order to reach several understandings to meet all the challenges facing the two sides.
    The source hinted that the visit may result in the announcement of Riyadh's appointment of a new ambassador in Baghdad in succession to former Ambassador Thamir al-Sobhan.
    In August last year, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry asked its Saudi counterpart to replace Sabhan after complaining more than once about what he described as his "interference in Iraq's internal affairs."
    The source did not rule out that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef visit Iraq after Abadi's visit.
    The source pointed to the presence of Saudi willingness to contribute to reconstruction and revitalization of the economic cycle in war-affected areas in Iraq

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