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    The New York Times: Israel revealed Daesh to blow up the aircraft scheme

    Admin Assist
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     The New York Times: Israel revealed Daesh to blow up the aircraft scheme Empty The New York Times: Israel revealed Daesh to blow up the aircraft scheme

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Jun 2017, 3:15 am

    The New York Times: Israel revealed Daesh to blow up the aircraft scheme

    Tuesday June 13, 2017 8:48

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad ,
    New York Times reported that Israeli intelligence was able to detect schemes "Daesh" bomb - making, noting that the organization has developed a bomb placed inside the portable computers to blow up the aircraft.

    The newspaper pointed out that "Israeli spies, they are hackers information in the Israeli government, have made significant progress and achievement for Western intelligence devices under advanced and protected Balhevrat information and processes that rely on social networking sites carried out by the extremist organization."
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    The paper quoted US officials familiar with the process as saying that " the intelligence was very good to the extent that it was to understand how to make bombs."

    The newspaper added that " the Israeli hacker infiltrated a small cell of bomb - makers in Syria a few months ago in an effort led to a ban on March 21 load of computers and other larger electronic devices from smart phones on board direct flights to the United States from 10 airports in Turkey and countries Middle East and North Africa, Britain also announced to prevent similar flights coming from the six countries. "

    The newspaper pointed out that " the process of penetration by the Israelis enabled the United States to know the activities of the terrorist organization to make explosives fool X - ray machines at airports and other inspection devices so that they look like batteries of computers completely."

    According to the newspaper that "Israel 's contribution to the special intelligence devices of computers bombs are known when US President Donald Trump revealed details of the Foreign Minister of Russia , Sergei Lavrov , at a meeting in the White House in the 10 of last May, angered Israeli officials , " according to the newspaper.

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