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    Merkel Wants G20 Global Taxation of Internet


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Merkel Wants G20 Global Taxation of Internet Empty Merkel Wants G20 Global Taxation of Internet

    Post by Lobo Fri 16 Jun 2017, 1:46 pm

    Merkel Wants G20 Global Taxation of Internet Merkel-Explains
    Merkel is calling upon the G20 to regulate the internet. While she is pretending to be concerned about cyberattacks, which no regulator can prevent, you have to look into the finer details. Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a global regulation saying: “Industry 4.0 will have to go through the process that we have already gone through at the World Trade Organization (WTO) with real trading operations that we have gone through in the G20 process with financial market regulation.” 
    She noted that the “concerns” include “cyberattacks, the responsibility of social platforms to tax issues in international trade, and growing concern in the world of policy. “
    In other words, she wants to tax all sales on the internet. So anyone from Germany buying anything anywhere would have to pay VAT and every online merchant would have to comply with global regulation. Additionally, governments are increasingly becoming concerned about blockchain technology and the avoidance of taxes.
    As always, government pretends to be concerned about security, but it is always about the money. She also wants to shut down anyone who talks against government in the social media.

      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 4:18 pm