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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    08~31~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    08~31~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 08~31~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Sat 31 Aug 2013, 9:49 am

    You appreciate tradition and regularity and can be quite happy when others do not try to change your surroundings or plans. You may suffer regular infusions of change, which you can find very disturbing. You are very disciplined and practical when it comes to matters of home, family and career, often at the expense of your social life. Everyone has a job and you carry through with your responsibilities most carefully today. A new person may add to your family soon and today would be a grand time to celebrate. A loved one is learning the art of massage and you may be the receiver of a free massage this evening--the favor and the weekend will be a successful one. For the bedtime goodnights, you might consider a story time for the young ones in your family.

        There is some recognition and support from those around you. You may feel that the communication today is unusually interesting. There is much camaraderie among friends and with everyone in such a good mood there may be some place or some activity that all agree to visit or to do together later in the day. A project at home gets completed in record time and a couple of family members gather themselves to join you in your adventure. A new animal at the zoo or a new exhibit in the city will motivate everyone to pull things together and join the group. This is a communicative time and you will find yourself flexible, mental and other-oriented. You work your magic and the day ends with projects completed and adventures enjoyed.

        There is good understanding today. This may be a good day to have a family meeting with only one subject: goals. You want to accomplish more and it is about time those dreams become a reality. Giving others a chance to express their desired goals, you will find that each path is destined for success. You encourage the family to keep their own journals on how they will continue toward their goals. The next meeting will be on three steps that each person took toward the accomplishment of each goal. Plan the short-term goals as well as long-term goals so that there will be quick success. This encourages one toward the long-term successes. With a support system and mind set in the right direction, each member will have a positive outcome.

        You could be guiding young people in religious matters today. You are a very feeling person and can sense the drift of a situation without a lot of analysis. Question and answer sessions are fun and easy today. Enthusiasm happens this afternoon, especially when you bring young animals to lighten up the group and bring everyone together in a sense of harmony. You certainly know how to be around young people! Don't get carried away with any particular message . . . They will learn, ask questions and then they will want to play. These young people will gain a rare sense of support and this makes for a happy time. The status of a love relationship has a chance to deepen and strengthen. You may cancel some evening activity in order to give this relationship attention.

        Your positive attitude is accented today. You can expect goodwill from those around you for whatever task is before you. If you need help, it would be best to think carefully about the person you ask. There will be a quantity of helpers if you want a party but in seeking only one helper you will quickly achieve a positive end. Careful, this should probably be handled with a democratic slant. An early dinner this evening may include the choice of going to a restaurant or heading out to the store to purchase the barbeque supplies. After dinner you have time to yourself. Relax and enjoy a little music. Romance is your trademark and this evening you will come up with some fascinating thoughts on how to enhance your relationship with your mate.

        Today is full of learning matter. You could be reading but more than likely you are listening to a lecture, sermon or an audio book. History becomes real and you may fanaticize about how people will react when they read about the age in which you are living. This thinking may produce some fun conversations. The habit of referring to spiritual answers when difficulties arise is a wise move toward a peaceful frame of mind and you may work to memorize some passages. You have great discipline when it comes to working with spirituality and unity--whatever binds or links us together. You are able to teach others these messages. A picnic in the park with a walk after the noon meal creates the opportunity to bond with family today.

        The world is a sacred place to you and you have an absolute commitment to spiritual insight. Intuition is a fact of life and you most often display your sensitive, kind and gentle side. Being sensitive to another person's difficulty you may decide to knit a quilt or repair some chair or any other number of things that would make this person's life easier. After your service to this person you may decide that your talents should be used more often. If you want to share the time that you set aside to help others, now would be a good time to invite a friend or two. Some cities have a meals on wheels program for the elderly and this would bring nourishment and a listening ear to many that need a smiling face in their life from time to time. This is a great time to plan.

    You are in a great mood today and can think of all sorts of projects to get into. This is finally a good day to do some work in the garden or to attend a garden show and to take on a few creative ideas for your place. If there are no garden shows, the garden shop or hardware store may serve the same purpose. If you are beginning a project, they will show you a few shortcuts or give you tips to make your work easier. This afternoon is good for friends or a loved one. You have a built-in sense of what the others want and can always come up with just the right image. Your home setting is so comfortable--it is often difficult to get visitors to go home. When you are chosen to conduct a youth meeting, you may decide to hold the meeting in your home.

        You know exactly what you want when it comes to what is essential or central to a situation. If you have instructions, you can make it work or at least know how to instruct others. You are exacting when it comes to getting down to the basics. You will be working at putting together some type of furniture or equipment. This tendency for perfection may continue as you enjoy other people's art expression. Your taste in art and appreciation in general is heightened. An art exhibit or presentation, perhaps a collection of some sort, has fascinated you and this is where your interests may remain for this week. Your sense of value is strong. This is a great time to have some deep discussion with a loved one. Laughter is unavoidable and shared.

        This is a good time to build on those friendships that have had little nurturing lately. Talking to these friends and getting caught up on all the current news you may decide to have a gathering at your house or a nearby park. Any excuse to keep the old gang together is where your thinking is focused. A spur of the moment gathering might turn into a yearly gathering. Encourage the group to bring a few brag pictures and bring your own camera. You work well with imagination and understanding in areas of the mind that are the most personal or private--in-depth psychology. You are able to create a healing, if one is needed. Some friends will be out of the country but you will be able to reach them through written communication or calls.

        A volunteer situation today may take you into the area of law or giving aid to indigent peoples or to help with warrants. There is an innate capacity to negotiate with the law and authorities, plus an ability to find your way when it comes to inner and spiritual matters. Others sense this gift and accept guidance and advice. This is a very good time to speak about your goals--a good time for discussion and decisions. There are many opportunities to help the less fortunate. Perhaps this would include some job guidance. Through helping others--you will have insight into all sorts of possibilities. Before the day is over you will find yourself singing a popular tune with a friend or a family member. Young people love knock-knock jokes and you will be hearing plenty of them.

        Making a movie or working on a movie set today you will discover a few great places to purchase props. A little cleaning and a little placement and the result is fantastic. Your friends, partners and relationships mean a lot to you. They are fun to interact with and seem to love your presence with no strings attached, so to speak. You enjoy being social and will no doubt weave this fact into your lifestyle. You are above all, a natural go-between or mediator between the generations. Family gatherings today will get your attention and you may be asked to help others see two sides of any question. You have a strong effect on those who come to know you. You are able to talk about your goals and bring them into focus. Celebrate your family this evening.
    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

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    08~31~2013 Horoscopes  Empty Re: 08~31~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Ronbo Sat 31 Aug 2013, 12:00 pm

    Well, most of it is pretty right on the mark. However..... the dog and cat don't pay much attention when I try to read them to sleep, even though their attention span most of the time is longer than mine study 

    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    08~31~2013 Horoscopes  Empty Re: 08~31~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Sat 31 Aug 2013, 6:08 pm

    LOL Well if you say cookie or doggie treat or whatever your dog calls them like every sixth word then I bet he would listen longer ...The Cat well you are on your own for that one !!

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    08~31~2013 Horoscopes  Empty Re: 08~31~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Neno Sat 31 Aug 2013, 10:01 pm

    Scorpio- You are in a great mood today and can think of all sorts of projects to get into. This is finally a good day to do some work in the garden or to attend a garden show and to take on a few creative ideas for your place. If there are no garden shows, the garden shop or hardware store may serve the same purpose. If you are beginning a project, they will show you a few shortcuts or give you tips to make your work easier. This afternoon is good for friends or a loved one. You have a built-in sense of what the others want and can always come up with just the right image. Your home setting is so comfortable--it is often difficult to get visitors to go home. When you are chosen to conduct a youth meeting, you may decide to hold the meeting in your home.
    Damm, and I thought it was ME!

    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    08~31~2013 Horoscopes  Empty Re: 08~31~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Sun 01 Sep 2013, 9:22 am

    LOL Nemoooooooooooooooooo See  its Probably the Kitchen !!!! hehe

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