This is a good time for new beginnings. Guard a secret you have recently discovered and you might be able to sell the idea for lots of money. Emotions are also easier to understand now. Professionally speaking, you are in the lead when it comes to making sales or helping customers find just what they want. New technology may take a little explaining to some folks. This afternoon you have found a new cookie recipe that is unusually healthy and you look forward to sharing the recipe with all your co-worker friends. You have time to prepare some of those cookies to share with your family and set aside some to take to work. Later this evening a book title is something that gains your interest and you enjoy the reading opportunity.
A new co-worker needs time to adjust and you do not mind lending a helping hand . . . Perhaps a tour to show this person where things are located would be a good thing. Time spent in explaining some of the equipment, software or merchandise may cause you to stay over to work on your own work for a bit later this afternoon; however, the time is well spent. No matter where you are, events usually point to your seeking a high degree of accomplishment. You seek to use your time to the best of your ability; carefully measuring what and how much is needed. Your neighborhood may be getting ready for a charity parade and you could be on the planning committee this evening. Your block could be recognized for their charitable activity.
Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear to cause you to change your mind about your activities today. Things will work out with only a little effort on your part. You don't mind working through some sensitive problems. You may have flashes of insight and breakthroughs regarding your deepest sense of truth today--you could be psychic. Call it psychology, philosophy, religion or what have you. Perhaps unconventional, you are straightforward about getting to the heart and truth of things, especially when a friend asks you for your guidance. You are most helpful when you guide people in a direction of self-discovery. Communicating is at a high this afternoon. Your timing should be perfect.
You will find success involving contacts with people that are important to your business. It may be time to advertise or make personal appeals. You are driven to create change and inner growth. You possess, at the core, an intensity that burns through superficialities, searching for opportunities to grow and enhance your life. You may be able to help a detective or the police with an important matter in your city. There is some clue that you are able to piece together with some information you heard at an earlier time. Write a short report so that nothing is misunderstood. If you have pictures, add those with your report. Everybody in your family had a busy day and you may have to take a number in order to talk about your day. Be a good listener.
Travel and other contacts with faraway people and places will play a bigger role for you soon. Such things bring love and gain in one way or another. Higher education or religious contacts have a part in making good things happen. This is a great time to be with others. You may be sought after as just the person to share your own ideas. You are an aggressive prime mover, a starter, able to initiate and get things moving. Not always hot on the follow-up, you may tend to get the ball rolling and then move on to other things. This is one of the things that make you a better leader than a follower. You may be sought after for your advice regarding very emotional issues tonight. A new understanding about a friend is forthcoming.
Think about your choices before you make them today--circumstances could be misleading. You are coming into a new time that is filled with opportunities to achieve and make a name for yourself. Assimilating information and experience, learning lessons and putting them into practice is the focus as this period unfolds. It's a time for prudence and budgeting, a time to tend to details. You probably already have the inspiring visions: now you must get your hands dirty with the work and use your mind to put it all together. Your intuition is strong and can guide you accurately in making forecasts or decisions. A positive attitude will help you overcome any difficulties now. You have a lot on your mind and feel a strong need to communicate ideas.
Work moves along without a glitch. If you are helping to celebrate a friend's birthday or a newborn child or an upcoming wedding, there may be lots of phone calls to make. You are the type of individual that will follow through on whatever is needed. During breaks, you will be able to be the one that can help pull together a celebration or a party. At home this afternoon you may be typing invitations or purchasing stamps for this upcoming event. No matter how much fun you are having, be careful that you do not overspend or indulge too much. Perhaps another friend or family member will be able to help share expenses. A secret admirer may be revealed later today. This evening you are in a music mood; sit back and enjoy your headphones.
At this time you could decide a vacation is in order and whether you leave for a trip today or plan one sometime in the near future, you will be sure to plan all sorts of car games. You may decide to rent a van or station wagon for this trip. Car games, singing and fun times together make up an early morning drive. You may be headed home after a long weekend camping trip. This whole last weekend has been a grand time to be with others in some fun times together. You are enjoying the day--your mind is stimulated and there is much to enjoy. A decision to change jobs or take a better job within your company may be on your mind this evening--thinking of what to do. Whatever you do, think about how the choice will help you reach your goals.
You may find yourself talking easily with an authority figure today. This is a good thing as communicating clearly in a place of business is very important to the productivity of the company. If you are not close, phrase your questions carefully and show that you want what is best for the whole. Do not push, if you do not get clear answers. Radical and inventive ideas may hold the key to some fun times today. This could involve the care of a child or some rule for neighborhood safety. This afternoon the young people in the neighborhood may find you involved in a fun activity. This may be a magic demonstration or showing off the latest animal trick that you have taught your animal. Life is fun and relaxed this afternoon.
You may be asked to perform a professional favor today. There are no favorites and you know that the request would not be made if you were not needed. There is something about you that others cannot seem to get enough of; yet for all your confidence, you may depend on outside guidance and counsel. This is always a good move as most people sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture. Travel, education and other ways to stretch your horizons open new doors of opportunity. Advice about the next educational adventure in your life would be wise. We never get too old to learn new things and even though it does not seem important, most of the information you receive will help you in your personal life as well as your professional life.
You may find yourself handling a problem with young people today. It is up to you to smooth the ruffled feathers--you may be the only adult present. The answer may be in helping them to see that they are really capable of comprehending a simple solution--compromise. Handling a person or a problem is perhaps the key element in your personality make-up. How you manage difficulties, find diplomatic solutions or come up with the right approach is what is built into your abilities. This ability to charm others and be all things to all people solves problems. Always putting others at ease is the key to meeting and coming to know you. At home this afternoon you may want to relax and enjoy a good book. Someone else's story is fun.
You and a mate may become involved in a conversation on how you will move forward together in pursuing your ideals and dreams for the family. Include the older child in the discussion so that there are no surprises. Children learn to solve problems and set goals, as well as plotting the path to their goals, by watching adults set a good example. Talking and making plans are good now. You and a mate or friend enjoy keeping fit and if you are not involved in a fitness group, today is a good day to join. This could also mean a team is forming and you will want to become a part of it. Your intuitive side is piqued this evening as you think of a friend from the past and that friend calls you. You and your loved one may enjoy talk of psychic experiences.
This is a good time for new beginnings. Guard a secret you have recently discovered and you might be able to sell the idea for lots of money. Emotions are also easier to understand now. Professionally speaking, you are in the lead when it comes to making sales or helping customers find just what they want. New technology may take a little explaining to some folks. This afternoon you have found a new cookie recipe that is unusually healthy and you look forward to sharing the recipe with all your co-worker friends. You have time to prepare some of those cookies to share with your family and set aside some to take to work. Later this evening a book title is something that gains your interest and you enjoy the reading opportunity.
A new co-worker needs time to adjust and you do not mind lending a helping hand . . . Perhaps a tour to show this person where things are located would be a good thing. Time spent in explaining some of the equipment, software or merchandise may cause you to stay over to work on your own work for a bit later this afternoon; however, the time is well spent. No matter where you are, events usually point to your seeking a high degree of accomplishment. You seek to use your time to the best of your ability; carefully measuring what and how much is needed. Your neighborhood may be getting ready for a charity parade and you could be on the planning committee this evening. Your block could be recognized for their charitable activity.
Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear to cause you to change your mind about your activities today. Things will work out with only a little effort on your part. You don't mind working through some sensitive problems. You may have flashes of insight and breakthroughs regarding your deepest sense of truth today--you could be psychic. Call it psychology, philosophy, religion or what have you. Perhaps unconventional, you are straightforward about getting to the heart and truth of things, especially when a friend asks you for your guidance. You are most helpful when you guide people in a direction of self-discovery. Communicating is at a high this afternoon. Your timing should be perfect.
You will find success involving contacts with people that are important to your business. It may be time to advertise or make personal appeals. You are driven to create change and inner growth. You possess, at the core, an intensity that burns through superficialities, searching for opportunities to grow and enhance your life. You may be able to help a detective or the police with an important matter in your city. There is some clue that you are able to piece together with some information you heard at an earlier time. Write a short report so that nothing is misunderstood. If you have pictures, add those with your report. Everybody in your family had a busy day and you may have to take a number in order to talk about your day. Be a good listener.
Travel and other contacts with faraway people and places will play a bigger role for you soon. Such things bring love and gain in one way or another. Higher education or religious contacts have a part in making good things happen. This is a great time to be with others. You may be sought after as just the person to share your own ideas. You are an aggressive prime mover, a starter, able to initiate and get things moving. Not always hot on the follow-up, you may tend to get the ball rolling and then move on to other things. This is one of the things that make you a better leader than a follower. You may be sought after for your advice regarding very emotional issues tonight. A new understanding about a friend is forthcoming.
Think about your choices before you make them today--circumstances could be misleading. You are coming into a new time that is filled with opportunities to achieve and make a name for yourself. Assimilating information and experience, learning lessons and putting them into practice is the focus as this period unfolds. It's a time for prudence and budgeting, a time to tend to details. You probably already have the inspiring visions: now you must get your hands dirty with the work and use your mind to put it all together. Your intuition is strong and can guide you accurately in making forecasts or decisions. A positive attitude will help you overcome any difficulties now. You have a lot on your mind and feel a strong need to communicate ideas.
Work moves along without a glitch. If you are helping to celebrate a friend's birthday or a newborn child or an upcoming wedding, there may be lots of phone calls to make. You are the type of individual that will follow through on whatever is needed. During breaks, you will be able to be the one that can help pull together a celebration or a party. At home this afternoon you may be typing invitations or purchasing stamps for this upcoming event. No matter how much fun you are having, be careful that you do not overspend or indulge too much. Perhaps another friend or family member will be able to help share expenses. A secret admirer may be revealed later today. This evening you are in a music mood; sit back and enjoy your headphones.
At this time you could decide a vacation is in order and whether you leave for a trip today or plan one sometime in the near future, you will be sure to plan all sorts of car games. You may decide to rent a van or station wagon for this trip. Car games, singing and fun times together make up an early morning drive. You may be headed home after a long weekend camping trip. This whole last weekend has been a grand time to be with others in some fun times together. You are enjoying the day--your mind is stimulated and there is much to enjoy. A decision to change jobs or take a better job within your company may be on your mind this evening--thinking of what to do. Whatever you do, think about how the choice will help you reach your goals.
You may find yourself talking easily with an authority figure today. This is a good thing as communicating clearly in a place of business is very important to the productivity of the company. If you are not close, phrase your questions carefully and show that you want what is best for the whole. Do not push, if you do not get clear answers. Radical and inventive ideas may hold the key to some fun times today. This could involve the care of a child or some rule for neighborhood safety. This afternoon the young people in the neighborhood may find you involved in a fun activity. This may be a magic demonstration or showing off the latest animal trick that you have taught your animal. Life is fun and relaxed this afternoon.
You may be asked to perform a professional favor today. There are no favorites and you know that the request would not be made if you were not needed. There is something about you that others cannot seem to get enough of; yet for all your confidence, you may depend on outside guidance and counsel. This is always a good move as most people sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture. Travel, education and other ways to stretch your horizons open new doors of opportunity. Advice about the next educational adventure in your life would be wise. We never get too old to learn new things and even though it does not seem important, most of the information you receive will help you in your personal life as well as your professional life.
You may find yourself handling a problem with young people today. It is up to you to smooth the ruffled feathers--you may be the only adult present. The answer may be in helping them to see that they are really capable of comprehending a simple solution--compromise. Handling a person or a problem is perhaps the key element in your personality make-up. How you manage difficulties, find diplomatic solutions or come up with the right approach is what is built into your abilities. This ability to charm others and be all things to all people solves problems. Always putting others at ease is the key to meeting and coming to know you. At home this afternoon you may want to relax and enjoy a good book. Someone else's story is fun.
You and a mate may become involved in a conversation on how you will move forward together in pursuing your ideals and dreams for the family. Include the older child in the discussion so that there are no surprises. Children learn to solve problems and set goals, as well as plotting the path to their goals, by watching adults set a good example. Talking and making plans are good now. You and a mate or friend enjoy keeping fit and if you are not involved in a fitness group, today is a good day to join. This could also mean a team is forming and you will want to become a part of it. Your intuitive side is piqued this evening as you think of a friend from the past and that friend calls you. You and your loved one may enjoy talk of psychic experiences.
Yesterday at 9:56 am by Rocky
» utube 9/16/24 MM&C Iraq Dinar Update - #xrpripple #iraqidinar - Electronic International Payments
Yesterday at 7:22 am by Rocky
» utube 9/17/24 Iraq Dinar Update --Sudani Sadr-Development-Pro
Yesterday at 7:22 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani directs the preparation of a draft resolution obligating ministries to provide facilities
Yesterday at 7:20 am by Rocky
» Germany: Iraq is making progress towards economic stability
Yesterday at 7:19 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani: There is no alternative but to have capable Iraqi banks that adopt all financial standard
Yesterday at 7:16 am by Rocky
» Iraq enters into space war confrontations.. Cyber attacks raid Tel Aviv and news indicates that th
Yesterday at 7:12 am by Rocky
» Contrary to expectations.. Al-Sudani's advisor: Non-oil revenues grew at record levels in 2024
Yesterday at 7:09 am by Rocky
» Central Bank of Iraq sells more than $250 million in auction today
Yesterday at 7:06 am by Rocky
» The Supreme Committee for Tax Reform reveals details of the draft of the new income tax law
Yesterday at 7:02 am by Rocky
» A Kurdish delegation will visit Baghdad early next week
Yesterday at 6:59 am by Rocky
» The Commission sets a date for approving the candidates for the Kurdistan elections
Yesterday at 6:58 am by Rocky
» Prime Minister receives Chairman of the Private Banks Association and a number of bank managers
Yesterday at 6:56 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Investment Committee proposes solutions to cover Iraq's expenses.. What about border c
Yesterday at 6:52 am by Rocky
» Iraq signs $290 million loan agreement with Austrian bank
Yesterday at 6:50 am by Rocky
» The Council of Ministers is studying a decision obligating ministries to provide facilities to suppo
Yesterday at 6:47 am by Rocky
» Iraq of Four Million Employees: Will the Oasis of Jobs Last in the Desert of Opportunities?
Yesterday at 6:45 am by Rocky
» A parliamentarian talks about an Iraqi port in the Red Sea.. These are the details
Yesterday at 6:43 am by Rocky
» The housing crisis is deepening and housing unit prices are astronomical
Yesterday at 6:42 am by Rocky
» Najaf discusses with a specialized German company the establishment of a waste recycling plant
Yesterday at 6:40 am by Rocky
» Second reading increases the yield of calls rejecting the release of terrorists by general amnesty
Yesterday at 6:39 am by Rocky
» Prime Minister: The Central Bank has contracted with Oliver Wyman to develop the banking and financi
Yesterday at 6:37 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Water Committee identifies the reasons for the continued drought and low water levels
Yesterday at 5:21 am by Rocky
» Al-Fatlawi: There are some parties trying to overthrow Al-Sudani's government
Yesterday at 5:20 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Investment Committee calls on the government to intervene regarding the insane increas
Yesterday at 5:18 am by Rocky
» Iraq tightens preventive measures on imported goods, especially electronic devices
Yesterday at 5:17 am by Rocky
» Meetings attended by Al-Ameri.. Kurdish blocs unite to cancel Baath decisions regarding agricultural
Yesterday at 5:15 am by Rocky
» Oxford Economics expects Gulf economies to grow by 4.4% in 2025
Yesterday at 5:13 am by Rocky
» With Apple’s participation, the media and communications sector sets a roadmap to build a long-term
Yesterday at 5:12 am by Rocky
» Cabinet Secretariat: Stopping the sale of government properties to its employees is inaccurate
Yesterday at 5:10 am by Rocky
» The Ministerial Council directs the inspection of electronic devices before importing them to avoid
Yesterday at 5:08 am by Rocky
» The Prime Minister directs the preparation of guidelines to ensure fair competition in the banking s
Yesterday at 5:05 am by Rocky
» The Minister of Electricity directs the announcement and referral of the installation of solar energ
Yesterday at 5:04 am by Rocky
» Gulf central banks move interest rates after Fed decision
Yesterday at 5:02 am by Rocky
» Labor: Including allocations for increasing the salary of the full-time appointee in its budget for
Yesterday at 5:01 am by Rocky
» Non-oil revenues top agenda of parliamentary finance visit to Erbil next week
Yesterday at 5:00 am by Rocky
» Housing shortage threatens the stability of millions of Iraqis!
Yesterday at 4:59 am by Rocky
» The Department of Political Dismissals Affairs issues (3519) new decisions for politically dismissed
Yesterday at 4:57 am by Rocky
» Minister of Industry confirms the ministry's commitment to supporting and encouraging the private in
Yesterday at 4:55 am by Rocky
» Finance: Issuing controls to facilitate the implementation of the Owners Law
Yesterday at 4:54 am by Rocky
» Iranian oil official: Iraq owes Tehran no debts, and tripartite negotiations between Iran, Russia, a
Yesterday at 4:52 am by Rocky
» Proposal for employing graduates
Yesterday at 4:50 am by Rocky
» Al-Hasnawi to “Sabah”: Opening of 379 health projects
Yesterday at 4:49 am by Rocky
» The Ministerial Council directs to audit imports of electronic devices
Yesterday at 4:48 am by Rocky
» Launch of the National Climate Change Camp
Yesterday at 4:46 am by Rocky
» Facilitating the implementation of projects on the lands of military institutions
Yesterday at 4:44 am by Rocky
» Urgent measures to address the airlines file
Yesterday at 4:43 am by Rocky
» Warnings against relying on the “rentier economy”: Use effective systems and digital infrastructure
Yesterday at 4:41 am by Rocky
» "Courtesy" manipulates salaries of Kurdistan employees and Baghdad demands a binding political decis
Yesterday at 4:40 am by Rocky
» Opening of the 17th session of the “DBX” exhibition in Sulaymaniyah with the participation of more t
Yesterday at 4:38 am by Rocky
» Iraqi banks dealing with America attract deposits
Yesterday at 4:36 am by Rocky
» Iranians Stole Trump Campaign Material, Offered It to Democrats
Yesterday at 4:35 am by Rocky
» TikTok launches campaign to raise awareness of digital safety tools in Iraq
Yesterday at 4:33 am by Rocky
» Al-Sadr cancels the expected million-man demonstrations in Baghdad: “They are no longer useful”
Yesterday at 4:32 am by Rocky
» "Fares Issa" receives the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Baghdad
Yesterday at 4:31 am by Rocky
» Kurdistan Regional Government Representation Holds Training Workshop in Erbil
Yesterday at 4:30 am by Rocky
» The Prime Minister's Office receives the draft income tax law prepared by the German GIZ organizatio
Yesterday at 4:26 am by Rocky
» Finance reassures citizens: We are committed to paying salaries on time
Yesterday at 4:25 am by Rocky
» Oil disappoints hopes, Basra crude completes two weeks of decline: interest rate cuts backfired
Yesterday at 4:22 am by Rocky
» White oil rose 270% and kerosene 47%.. What is the secret behind the increase in fuel consumption in
Yesterday at 4:21 am by Rocky
» Ministry of Finance talks about the fate of employees' salaries and the reasons for the delay
Yesterday at 4:20 am by Rocky
» Baghdad government fails to implement the "generator meters" project and returns to "ampere pricing"
Yesterday at 4:18 am by Rocky
» Money from citizens and treating pipes with "plastic slippers" .. A service project in Diwaniyah tha
Yesterday at 4:17 am by Rocky
» Dollar exchange rates drop in Iraq.. This is the list
Yesterday at 4:16 am by Rocky
» Referral of the rehabilitation project of Imam Al-Sadiq II neighborhood to the judiciary
Yesterday at 4:13 am by Rocky
» Market monopoly is in danger... and the Parliamentary Economic Committee leads the correction battle
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:16 am by Rocky
» Document warns of environmental danger threatening southern Iraq
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:15 am by Rocky
» Central Bank Governor: We have put in place methods to secure the provision of dollars and are subje
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:13 am by Rocky
» MP hints at corruption suspicions in $22 billion railway contract
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:12 am by Rocky
» MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:11 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Oil Committee accuses the region of smuggling oil
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:10 am by Rocky
» The Council of Ministers decides to amend the price of industrial oil
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:06 am by Rocky
» "Al-Eqtisad News" publishes the full decisions of the Cabinet session
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:05 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary moves to increase state financial revenues
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:04 am by Rocky
» New mechanism for collecting tax amounts electronically
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:02 am by Rocky
» Iraqi oil exports rose yesterday to 3.5 million barrels
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:01 am by Rocky
» South Gas: Integrated Gas Development Project is an Opportunity to Invest Local Hands
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:00 am by Rocky
» Artawi Project.. A new energy that ignites the Iraqi economy and extinguishes the fires of waste!
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:59 am by Rocky
» Al-Ghais: Taxes constitute the largest percentage of fuel prices in these countries
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:57 am by Rocky
» Is the decline in oil prices related to the rise in exchange rates? An "important" clarification fro
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:55 am by Rocky
» Iraq imports more than 722 million tons of gasoline in three months
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:54 am by Rocky
» Hermes: Gulf investors have become more selective after the flood of IPOs in the region
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:53 am by Rocky
» Real estate manipulators between the jaws of the "justice pincers"
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:51 am by Rocky
» New crime
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:50 am by Rocky
» Conference to support the private sector
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:49 am by Rocky
» After the {Sabah} report... a campaign to deport {illegal} workers
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:48 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani: Amending the Drug Law raises the level of combating it
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:47 am by Rocky
» Numbering Nineveh buildings in preparation for the population census
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:46 am by Rocky
» Labor: Intensive campaign to deport “illegal” workers
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:44 am by Rocky
» Emaar: The residential complex for journalists will be transferred to an investor
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:43 am by Rocky
» Government organizes national conference to support private sector
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:40 am by Rocky
» Real estate inflation
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:39 am by Rocky
» {Hypermarket}.. Central markets with a new look
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 6:38 am by Rocky
» Iraq calls on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities and stop the massacres an
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 5:22 am by Rocky
» Al-Maliki's coalition explains the nature of the presence of Hamas and Houthi offices in Baghdad.. A
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 5:21 am by Rocky
» What are the goals of Qaani's "secret" visit to Baghdad? - Urgent
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 5:19 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani: The heaviness of the energy system problem in transmission and distribution
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 5:18 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary message to Al-Sudani: You have the dangerous Kar file in your hands.. Save public mone
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 5:16 am by Rocky
» 15% tax on social media applications in Iraq
Wed 18 Sep 2024, 5:15 am by Rocky