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    Filed a lawsuit to stop the deportation of Iraqis from America

    Admin Assist
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    Filed a lawsuit to stop the deportation of Iraqis from America Empty Filed a lawsuit to stop the deportation of Iraqis from America

    Post by Rocky Thu 22 Jun 2017, 5:22 pm

    Filed a lawsuit to stop the deportation of Iraqis from America

    Thursday June 22, 2017 11:56

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    heard a US court, demanding a lawsuit to stop the deportation of nearly 100 Iraqis dropped immigration authorities arrested in the Detroit area, because many of them belonging to minorities may face torture or religious persecution in their homeland.

    In a concerted campaign in recent weeks , authorities dropped immigration arrested Iraqi immigrants across the country who have been sentenced to final judgments and deportation have been convicted of serious crimes.
    Video: For these reasons, the United States is waging a campaign to deport more than 1,400 Iraqi migrants
    US authorities announced the arrest of 199 Iraqi immigrants, mostly from Detroit to be deported

    This happened after agreeing Iraq to accept the deportees in the framework of an agreement to lift it from the list of countries that President Donald Trump is seeking to prevent them coming from entering the United States.

    According to the agency "Reuters" request a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of the court to issue an urgent order to halt the planned deportations, saying that many of the target in Michigan of the Chaldean Christians who are widely "targets for persecution and brutal in Iraq."

    The Association also says that the deportation of Iraqis could constitute a violation of the Charter of the United Nations against Torture , an international treaty signed by the United States, while the US government says that the District Court is competent to the case and that immigrants can appeal before the immigration court, Pentma judge did not set a date for a ruling in the case.

    The enforcement of immigration laws , the US tax administration that among the 199 Iraqis were arrested in operations across the country , people convicted of criminal charges such as murder, rape, assault, kidnapping, robbery, drug trafficking and violations relating to the possession of arms, in addition to the arrest of citizens as a response in Nashville , Tennessee, but the American Federation of freedoms he said that civil proceedings are not covered.

    He sent six legislators from the US House of Representatives Mishigan- five Democrats and Gmehora- a letter to the Department of Homeland Security urges it to halt deportations to enable Congress to review the agreement between the United States and Iraq and gets guarantees the safety of the deportees.

    Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the courthouse waving American flags and carrying crosses and banners reading Hamra perhaps "deportation to death."

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