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    Britain: 27 residential towers failed safety tests

    Admin Assist
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    Britain: 27 residential towers failed safety tests Empty Britain: 27 residential towers failed safety tests

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Jun 2017, 2:11 am

    Britain: 27 residential towers failed safety tests

    Arab and international  Since 2017-06-24 at 16:58 (Baghdad time)

    Mawazine News - Follow up
    The British government announced on Saturday that 27 residential towers had failed to test safety procedures that began after the Greenville Tower fire, which killed 79 people.
    Twenty-seven buildings from London in the south-east to Manchester in the north and Plymouth on the southwest coast have failed safety tests, according to the Ministry of Communities and Local Government.
    Nearly 4,000 residents were forced to leave five residential towers in northern London late on Friday after firefighters said the buildings were unsafe.
    A spokesman for the ministry said local government employees would work with the fire brigades to determine the necessary procedures. Ending 29/34
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    Britain: 27 residential towers failed safety tests Empty For fear of fire .. British authorities give up five residential towers in London

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Jun 2017, 3:07 am

    For fear of fire .. British authorities give up five residential towers in London

    British authorities have begun operations to evacuate five residential towers, fearing the outbreak of fires in which like fire, which came on the tower "Greenville" and claimed the lives of 79 people. The five towers that are evacuated was performed outside Xaiha by the same contractor who carried out clothe "Greenville" Tower.

    The five British authorities evacuated because of fire safety-related concerns, after the massive fire, which came on the Greenville Tower and claimed the lives of dozens of people.

    Considered the five towers in the "Swiss Cottage" area in the north of London, which includes 800 housing units are unsafe, after a safety examination of them in an expeditious manner, and as a result of an external contractor was carried out by the same perfusion.

    He asked residents after this decision the emergency assembly in the local library before they can be deployed later on the city.

    The work will require removal of the outer clothing of the five towers between two weeks and four weeks.

    The official said the municipality in Georgia Gould said the evacuation process will be "immediately," she said. "We can not be sure that people are safe."

    She continued, "all we care about is to secure safe housing for people while we work emergency."

    The municipality responsible, said the "fire Greenville is all about, we can allow ourselves not to risk."

    With nightfall, many residents taking with their bags Tablo left their homes tower.

    And suggested a British investigator in a fire tower "Grinfel" in London, and the presence of potential victims may never be found for them, or identify their bodies in view of the enormous size of the fire
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Britain: 27 residential towers failed safety tests Empty Investigators declare "shocking truth" about the victims of the fire "Tower of London"

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Jun 2017, 3:08 am

    Investigators declare "shocking truth" about the victims of the fire "Tower of London"

    Baghdad -okalat

    He suggested a British investigator in a fire tower "Grinfel" in London, and the presence of potential victims may never be found for them, or identify their bodies in view of the enormous size of the fire.

    According to the newspaper "Daily Mail" the British, there may not be the victims identify their identities, because of what happened to the bodies because of the fire that claimed the lives of 79 people, including women and children.

    It revealed the London police, on Friday, that the fire began in the refrigerator freezer "Hotpoint", saying that the insulating materials used in the tower failed in all safety tests.

    She explained the security in charge of "Scotland Yard" Police Fiona Mac Korma, that "the police removed the bodies were all found on the site, so far."

    She added: "It is not possible to configure a picture of what happened, without invoking the size of the human tragedy caused by the fire."

    The investigators are likely there are dozens of other victims at the site, amid fears that continue to research and investigate the site until next year.

    In charge of security, also reported that "investigators listened to nearly 600 emergency telephone contact, in order to find out what happened on the night of the fire, especially to varying calls in terms of time duration and lists horrible things."

    She also noted the existence of the difficulty in the investigation, given the deteriorating situation of the tower after the fire, high temperature, indicating that the probe will use several techniques in his quest to reach new potential victims.

    And resulted in a fire tower "Grinfel" in London killed at least 79 began in the refrigerator freezer Hotpoint.

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    Britain: 27 residential towers failed safety tests Empty Re: Britain: 27 residential towers failed safety tests

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