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    US Defense Secretary: We will continue arming Syrian Kurds, even after the liberation of tenderness

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277783
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    US Defense Secretary: We will continue arming Syrian Kurds, even after the liberation of tenderness Empty US Defense Secretary: We will continue arming Syrian Kurds, even after the liberation of tenderness

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Jun 2017, 3:04 am

    US Defense Secretary: We will continue arming Syrian Kurds, even after the liberation of tenderness

    22:10 - 06/27/2017

    Said US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Tuesday, that the United States will continue to provide weapons to Kurdish fighters even after the completion of the expulsion of the terrorist gangs Daesh from the Syrian city of Raqqa.

    The transfer of the Washington Times, the US site in the news of his translation / information / about Matisse as saying on pledges to the United States to withdraw the weapons provided to the Kurds in Syria after the liberation of tenderness that "it depends on when and where the mission is coming," he said, adding that the recovery of weapons, said what tis "We will do what we can."

    He added that "the United States has made it clear that we will equip the Kurds to fight if they have another battle and Snzodhm truck light they need it."

    Matisse's comments come by being the first time publicly confirming the United States pledged to Turkey to withdraw weapons from the Syrian Kurds.

    US officials have been careful not to publicly disclose the amount or specific types of weapons that go to the Syrian Kurds. However, officials have indicated that it is likely to be mortars, machine guns, ammunition and armor light 120 mm. Finished / z 25

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