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    American ships waiting for the "zero hour" for the bombing of Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    American ships waiting for the "zero hour" for the bombing of Syria Empty American ships waiting for the "zero hour" for the bombing of Syria

    Post by Rocky Thu 29 Jun 2017, 5:58 am

    American ships waiting for the "zero hour" for the bombing of Syria

    Arab and international   Thursday June 29, 2017

    According to CNN channel, citing unnamed sources that the ships of American warships and aircraft in the Middle East has taken a standby for a possible strike against US President Soeria, waiting for orders to carry out the attack.

    According to Guenah, the US military is watching the Syrian air base of the capillaries of the Syrian National Army over the Aleom,, after Washington said that it is likely to be launched in which a chemical attack.

    It is Jannbh, Defense Minister James Alomraki, Mates, said that the Syrian authorities "have dealt seriously with the US warnings" and re-examined the idea of ​​chemical attack.

    The White House has Zaam, Monday Almadi, that the national Syrian army is to attack a chemical Sarucha, while not provided any evidence to prove Adeaouath, promised then that the Syrian authorities would "pay a heavy price" if the attack happened.

    Damascus responded to these allegations that it did not use chemical weapons will not be used in the future.

    For her part, described the Russian Foreign Ministry such allegations as "nonsense" as Foreign Minister Sergei Aerati, called Avrov, US counterpart in a telephone call yesterday not to put obstacles in front of Washington, the Syrian army chasing terrorists inside Syria.

    Recall that on the night of 7 April / April Almadi, the American warships directing a missile strike to the base of the Syrian air capillaries 59 missile "Tomahawk", claiming the presence of chemical substances out.

      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 11:41 am