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    Pentagon plans to resume combat operations in Afghanistan

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Pentagon plans to resume combat operations in Afghanistan Empty Pentagon plans to resume combat operations in Afghanistan

    Post by Rocky Sun 02 Jul 2017, 6:44 am

    Pentagon plans to resume combat operations in Afghanistan

    Arab and international  Since 2017-07-02 at 09:37 (Baghdad time)

    Follow up of Mawazine News
    The US Defense Department is considering the possibility of resuming military operations in Afghanistan, with the aim of eliminating Taliban militants and elements of the Haqqani network there, according to NBC.
    The channel quoted sources as saying on Saturday that the Pentagon and the White House are currently reviewing the US strategy in Afghanistan and that Herbert McMaster, US Assistant Secretary of State for National Security, is actively involved in the process.
    According to the sources, one of the proposals expected to be submitted to President Donald Trump in July this year, based on the results of the review process, the resumption of operations against the Taliban and the radical network "Haqqani" extremists.
    According to official data, there are about 13,000 coalition troops in Afghanistan, including about 8.4 thousand US troops and officers, who specialize mainly in training Afghan military forces or serving as military advisers.
    According to NBC, US forces are currently focusing their efforts on strikes against terrorist terrorists and the Taliban are being bombed only in rare cases.
    Earlier, media reported that President Trump's administration was considering sending additional troops to Afghanistan, where government forces with more than 300,000 troops suffered heavy casualties. Government-controlled land shrank from 72 percent by the end of 2015 to 57% at the end of last year

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 11:27 am