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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament supports the efforts of the central bank to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliament supports the efforts of the central bank to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar Empty Parliament supports the efforts of the central bank to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar

    Post by Rocky Thu 05 Sep 2013, 4:08 am

    Parliament supports the efforts of the central bank to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar

    05/09/2013 12:00 AM

    Najafi discuss with representatives of Kirkuk in the House of Representatives election law to maintain
    BAGHDAD - morning

    discussed House Speaker Osama Najafi, with representatives of the province of Kirkuk in parliament, election law, the province, and the implications of the Federal Court decision on two paragraphs of Article 23 in the provincial elections law, districts and areas, while He expressed the Council's willingness to provide various kinds of support to the Central Bank in order to enhance its policy for the future. A press release said the Office of the President of the Parliament's media, said, "Najafi discussed during a meeting with representatives of Kirkuk in the House of Representatives, election law, Kirkuk, and the implications of the Federal Court decision on two paragraphs of Article 23 in the elections law provinces, districts and areas, "pointing out that" the abolition of paragraphs does not affect the legislation of a special law for the election of Kirkuk. "the statement said," Najafi select Congress Kirkuk, one week for the completion of the proposed law and otherwise will be resorting to the three presidencies to determine the appropriate conditions for holding elections. "he added "These verdicts come after the text of the Federal Court decision to abolish the committee in advance of representatives of Kirkuk under paragraph II of Article 23 and the lack of time limit for them to deliver the recommendations." Moreover, praised Najafi during a visit conducted to the Central Bank, on Wednesday, the role of Bank and his quest to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, praising at the same time the efforts of workers exceptional in the detection of corrupt files and to refer the number of employees in the bank and directors of Commissioners for some private banks to eliminate a result of their involvement with those files. According to the statement, issued by the Office of Najafi, the head of parliament , expressed during the visit, fully prepared to provide various kinds of support to the Central Bank, in order to enhance its policy of independent, in order to create a banking system developed is able to mobilize the financial resources of the country, and re-allocated to the service of economic activity, stressing the importance of developing a strategy for coordination between the fiscal policy of the Ministry of Finance and politics cash to the Central Bank. According to the statement, the Najafi called to speed resolution of issues related to money laundering, corruption and the protection of Iraq's money, especially after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII, stressing the need for the introduction of modern library in dealing banking and dissemination of banking culture to the public, and to support the banking business for the private sector.

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