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    Libya confirms its commitment to continued cooperation with Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Libya confirms its commitment to continued cooperation with Iraq Empty Libya confirms its commitment to continued cooperation with Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Jul 2017, 4:27 pm

    Libya confirms its commitment to continued cooperation with Iraq

    15:23 - 07/03/2017

    He confirmed the Libyan ambassador to Iraq, Naji Shalgam, on Monday, his country's keenness to continue cooperation with Iraq, while House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, pointed to the importance of Libya's role in the fight against groups "Daesh" criminal and militant organizations.

    A statement by the Office of al-Jubouri, the agency received / information / copy of it, "Chairman of the House of Representatives, received today at his office, Libyan ambassador Naji Shalgam on the occasion of his mission in Iraq ended, and during the meeting, they reviewed bilateral relations and ways of strengthening them, were also discussed developments the political situation in Iraq and the region, and file counter-terrorism. "

    The Libyan ambassador, according to the statement, "his country's keenness to continue cooperation with Iraq."

    For his part, al-Jubouri, he pointed out that "Iraq is looking forward to further cooperation with the Arabs in the fight against terrorism file and move forward for fruitful cooperation at all levels," stressing "the importance of Libya's role in the fight against Daesh criminal organizations extremist gangs." Finished / o 25

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