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    International Press

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    International Press Empty International Press

    Post by Rocky Wed 05 Jul 2017, 2:46 am

    International Press

    The Washington Post: the march of justice is gaining momentum and worry Erdogan 's government ,

    "The Washington Post" newspaper , the US, said that the march "for justice" organized by the main opposition party to protest against the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan 's policies, has gained momentum and has raised concerns the government in Istanbul.
    The march started from the capital , Ankara , heading towards Istanbul through a number of Turkish cities and continue for nearly three weeks, launched by the head of the Republican People 's Party , Kamal Qltah Ihsanoglu in protest against the MP from his party Inés Barbar Ihsanoglu prison who was sentenced to 25 years to charge disclosure of state secrets.
    The House rejected Kulaich Ihsanoglu raise any party badge, while it was the only slogan is "justice." And joined the growing crowds at each stop of the march , which is expected to end on July 9, 2017, in a giant rally in front of the prison , which lies where Barbar Ihsanoglu, in Maltib near Istanbul. And he spoke of the Washington Post about the momentum gained by the march and represents the spread of images growing crowds on Alsocheal Media and attract new where the participants, which led to angry responses from some government officials amounted to accusations of treason, in what organizers evidence , but the protest has touched a nerve. The newspaper felt that the momentum seemed like accomplishment of Turkish opposition with its supporters to resort to creative ways to respond to Erdogan 's suffocating grip on state institutions such as parliament and the judiciary. But he also risked a violent confrontation with the authorities , especially the march ends in Istanbul , where he is likely to join them more.

    Newsweek: American supporters ratio to isolate the Trump outweigh the proportion of supporters

    "Newsweek" magazine, said that American supporters to isolate President Donald Trump ratio is higher than the proportion of supporters. The magazine pointed out that the popularity of Trump was approaching 40% before the end of last week, and although it is not a large proportion, but it represents an improvement in the percentage of support, but the Trump attack in the past few days on the press and Ngredath on the controversial Twitter led to a decline in Hobeith.vofaqa Gallup, the president 's popularity Trump 37% at the beginning of July, and has been rejected by 57 percent, while the popularity rate in the census last week , 40% before retreating to the thirties again. Gallup conducted interviews with 1,500 US and a margin larger or smaller than 3% error. And reflect 37% disappointing, especially the President is still at the beginning of his mandate. Newsweek pointed out that things are going badly for Trump, as the number of those who support the largest of those in favor of his performance in the White House isolated. Found a poll conducted in recent weeks by the general policy of the company polls, 47% of American voters support the isolation of Trump. Perhaps the Americans feel this because 49% of them believe that the president has obstructed the course of justice in the ongoing investigation in relation to Russia, according to the reported results of the poll.

      Current date/time is Sat 07 Sep 2024, 7:06 pm