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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Mawazine News publishes the text of the slogan of the Republic of Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Mawazine News publishes the text of the slogan of the Republic of Iraq Empty Mawazine News publishes the text of the slogan of the Republic of Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Jul 2017, 1:30 am

    Mawazine News publishes the text of the slogan of the Republic of Iraq

    Political  Since 2017-07-08 at 17:12 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    Mawazine News / The text of the Law of the Republic of Iraq and its seal no. (85) of 1965, which was voted by the House of Representatives in today's session.
    And voted the House of Representatives, today on the bill to amend the law of the emblem of the Republic of Iraq and seal.
    A parliamentary source told Mawazine News that "the parliament voted on a bill to amend the law of the emblem of the Republic of Iraq and seal it."
    The parliament held its regular session under the chairmanship of its president Salim al-Jubouri.
    The following is the text of the law:
    In the name of the people
    Presidency Council
    According to the provisions of Article (1) of Article (61) and Article (III) of Article (73) of the Constitution,
    The following law was issued:
    No. (2017)
    Law of amending the Law of the Republic of Iraq and its seal No. (85) for the year 1965
    Article (1) The text of Article (4) of the Law shall be repealed and replaced by the following:
    Article 4 The emblem of the Republic of Iraq may not be used for commercial or industrial purposes or in paintings, advertisements or the like except by special permission issued by the President of the Republic or by his authorized representatives.
    Article 2 The text of Article (6) of the Law shall be repealed and replaced by the following:
    Article 6 The seal of the Republic of Iraq shall be stamped on the seals of the ministries and entities not associated with the Ministry, with the name of the Ministry or the relevant body being mentioned between the two edges of the circular frame.
    Article 3 The text of Article (7) of the Law shall be repealed and replaced by the following:
    Article Seven Three copies of the seal of the Republic of Iraq shall be kept in the Office of the President of the Republic, to be concluded by the laws, republican decrees, official documents and the like, which are provided for by a system or have traditionally been stamped with the seal of the Republic of Iraq and another in the Chamber of Deputies. In the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers to conclude treaties, regulations and decisions.
    Article (4) Article (8) of the Law shall be repealed and replaced by the following:
    Article 8 The Ministry of Justice shall deposit in the Ministry of Justice samples of the seals of the ministries and entities not affiliated with the Ministry of all kinds.
    Article (5) The text of Article (10) of the Law shall be repealed and replaced by the following:
    Article (10) Any person who contravenes the provisions of Article (4) of this Law shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding (1000000) million JD.
    (2) Without prejudice to any penalty provided for in the laws in force, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven (7) years or imprisonment and a fine not less than (2000000) two million dinars and not more than (5 million) five million dinars or one of those insulting the slogan of the Republic of Iraq or He has done any work that affects his dignity.
    Article 6 This Law shall be implemented from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
    Positive reasons
    In view of the political and social transformations that have taken place in the light of the new political change in Iraq and the change in the flag of the Republic of Iraq and the identification of cases of the use of the emblem and seal of the Republic of Iraq and the tightening of punitive sentences against those who violate the specific uses of the emblem of the Republic of Iraq.
    This law was enacted
    The House of Representatives held on Saturday, its third regular session of the current legislative term headed by Salim Jubouri, while voted on the draft law amending the law of the emblem of the Republic of Iraq and seal, as well as 15 articles of the draft law to reform inmates and depositors. is over

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