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    Iran is discussing with Saudi Arabia on the security of pilgrims

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iran is discussing with Saudi Arabia on the security of pilgrims Empty Iran is discussing with Saudi Arabia on the security of pilgrims

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Jul 2017, 2:57 am

    Iran is discussing with Saudi Arabia on the security of pilgrims

    09:57 - 09/07/2017

    The spokesman Alolaiaan independent bloc in the Islamic Shura Council Mehrdad Baeug Theologically, Sunday, that the bloc met with the President of the Organization of Iranian Hajj and visit and held talks with him in order to emphasize the need to take all measures to ensure the security of the Iranian Hajj and pilgrims.

    Said Theologically, in a meeting with the head of the Hajj Organization and the Iranian visit, Hamid Mohammadi, on the sidelines of the morning session of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, and the news agency quoted "international Tasnim news," vassal / information /, that "the President of the Hajj Organization and the visit reassured everyone about the issue of the security of the pilgrims and nothing calls of concern because the discussions and negotiations conducted by the organization with the Saudi side included the security of Iranian pilgrims item, where Saudi Arabia were not accepted this condition in the past years. "

    He added that "the number of pilgrims this year reached 86 thousand, and that all measures have been taken to perform these rituals internally or externally through negotiations, and the findings of the organization with the Saudi side," pointing out that "10 of the martyrs of the disaster of us buried in Saudi Arabia and they are not faceless, but the severance of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the impact on the process known as the relatives of the martyrs because they can not travel to Saudi Arabia. "

    The transfer of those present to Mohammadi concerns and stressed the need Atkhama all measures to ensure the security of Iranian pilgrims. It ended 25

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 5:49 am