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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike


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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by Neno Fri 06 Sep 2013, 5:08 pm

    Sent to me by a internet friend...

    I think worth sharing specially if you are living in South Carolina or know someone there - personally I think if this were to happen it would include multiple locations/targets.

    as hard as some of the maniac politicians in DC are pushing to attack Syria 'no matter what!' you have to wonder what the agenda is here - seems everyone on the planet except these politicians and a few intl friends are well aware that the militants & NOT the Syrian army/gov detonated the CW - the US is/has been arming the very group they claim attacked us on 9/11 - yet based on this 'agenda' (NOT truth) we race closer to a nuclear infused WW3 - even though the one country that can guarranty 'mutually assured destruction' Russia has repeatedly told us to 'chillax' yet we can only respond with the 'middle finger' it seems.

    I got a feeling all this is tied in with all the different government agency weapons/ammo/conflict equipment purchases over the last several months its starting to make sense - 'KA BOOM' ... marshall law/suspenion of US Constitution ... deploy inter agency domestic 'security force' nationwide to enforce ML & 'other' duties such as rounding up ALL disidents, confiscating ALL registered firearms (by lethal force if necessary) then controlling ALL movement/activities of citizens - fyi, those FEMA camps have been manned for a few months now so logic tells you where the 100's of thousands of 'so called' (or labeled) disidents will be taken - I'll save the details of those places, just know it ain't the Four Seasons!

    however all this plays out remains to be seen - awareness is a weapon in itself - thats why I'm sharing (just in case we really need this 'weapon') (Preview)

    Published on Sep 5, 2013
    Sen Lindsey Graham has warned of a nuclear strike in S Carolina following the report by Alex Jones and Anthony Gucciardi about low key nuke transfer from Texas to South Carolina.
    Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer
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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 Sep 2013, 5:19 pm

    Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer

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    Anthony Gucciardi & Alex Jones
    September 3, 2013
    A high level source inside the military has now confirmed to us that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail.
    According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep military activity, the Dyess Air Force Commander authorized unknown parties to transfer the nuclear warheads to an unknown location that has been reported to be South Carolina, where the warheads will then be picked up and potentially utilized.
    This is of particular interest not only due to the fact that the Syrian situation has escalated to the point of a very realistic hot war scenario, but due to the fact that Dyess has repeatedly denied the existence of nuclear warheads inside the base.
    The brief report from the top level military source, which was written in a rush to get the information out, reads:
    “Dyess is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DERMO earlier. He said it was the first time they have been even acknowledged since being put there in the 80′s. No signature was required for transfer… There was no directive. He said that Dyess Commander was on site to give authority to release. No one knew where they were going really, but the truck driver said to take them to South Carolina and another pick up will take them from there.”
    The fact that this transfer was not signed for and there were no papers is key. It shows how the military is now secretly operating with the transfer of nuclear weapons, and what’s more, we know that DERMO (a military base in Florida) is a hotbed of special operations. Why is DERMO operating the nuclear warheads out of Dyess Air Force base with no paper trail? This shows that this is a highly secretive, black ops style move here that the military does not want on record.
    The fact is that they don’t move all of these assets unless they plan on using them. Nuclear warheads are not simply moved to the East Coast for no reason, and the bottom line is that these missiles are likely being used for something even much greater than Syria.
    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Dyess-nuke-site
    Top Level Military Officer ‘Extremely Alarmed’
    This leak inside the military industrial complex comes after prior sources have also revealed to us that B-1′s and B-2 bombers were ordered to head out of their respective bases (B-1B’s leaving Dyess specifically) across the nation and they haven’t come back. All of this is happening amid the growing Syrian crisis that has developed amid the ignition of a WW3-level wrestling match between the United States and Russia. Now, based on the transfer to South Carolina that is not on record and was not signed for, we may be looking at a pattern that reveals an extremely hot war scenario.
    And here’s what’s essential to understand: There’s no question that the Syrian issue is huge, and it’s very possible that the US military is now under orders by Obama to prepare a strike, but the reality is that the much greater issue here is what’s going on with the US and Russia. What we’re seeing here is a proxy war turned hot with Syria, and we’ve been covering this for months now. Even the mainstream media has reported in the past how the evolution of war in Syria has turned into a hot proxy war against Russia via the Syrian rebels and Assad’s troops.
    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  B1bomber
    We now even have the Russian media openly discussing the hot war by the United States against Russia and how this will essentially lead to World War 3. But the fact of the matter is that we’re already progressively moving towards World War 3 . Obama and United States officials are already talking about boots on the ground in Syria and taking down the Russian-backed Assad regime. They are already moving forward following the blatantly staged chemical attacks that were absolutely carried out by the Obama-funded Syrian rebels in order to initiate a war scenario.
    Why do you think Obama has been aiding in the training, funding, and supplying of the bloodthirsty Syrian rebels since 2011 through secret orders admitted by Reuters? The entire angle here is not to help the civilians of Syria, who the Obama-backed rebels already are beheading and murdering to cheering crowds. No, this has always been a buildup to a World War 3 scenario between Russia and the United States. And now, with the absolute insanity of Obama and the military industrial complex pushing these wars, it’s here.
    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Nuclear-weapons-us
    Nuclear weapons held in bunker, similar to the reports of the high level military source.
    World War 3 Is Starting
    I have spoken to my connections in the Russian media and they are all confirming that World War 3 is the hottest topic right now amid the populace, and the fact of the matter is that all of the top level military officials over there are looking at this Syrian incident as the catalyst — as the spark. There’s a reason that Russia has begun amassing 160,000 troops and heavy military equipment following an Israeli strike on Russian missiles in Syria. There’s a reason that the troops were called along with naval ships and bombers to attain ‘immediate combat readiness’ along the border. We reported on this months ago while the media was too busy focusing on the Trayvon Martin case to talk about the ignition of World War 3.
    What we’re looking at right now is the beginning of World War 3 unless we manage to stop it. The elite are crazy enough and drunk enough with power to launch anything if it means advancing their vast lust for power and control. Thankfully, we now have a public that is much more awake to what’s going on and able to put a speed bump in the overall war plan as admitted by Obama adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski last week, but it will take a lot of awakening to stop Obama from launching these attacks that have been in the works for years.
    We encourage you to continue checking out Infowars and Storyleak for more updates on this and the latest news and information we find out on this developing situation.
    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Hirovictim
    A Hiroshima victim of the nuclear strike — what everyone has to look forward to in the event of a nuclear war that is on the horizon if we don’t turn things around.

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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by Neno Fri 06 Sep 2013, 5:53 pm

    TY Rocky.. ;)
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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by smillenace Fri 06 Sep 2013, 9:35 pm

    We might not have to worry about all this rv carp after all.... :shock:  LOCK AND LOAD ppl.
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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by kelnchp Fri 06 Sep 2013, 10:49 pm

    All I have to say is this is kinda scary...I watched a video on youtube about region three for FEMA and the extra antibiotics, supplies and portable meals.   South Carolina is south of this area.
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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by fonz1951 Tue 10 Sep 2013, 9:10 am

    i have said it for 45 years and to anybody listening or reading, i am going to say it again; damn the consequences. the U.S. had no business being in Vietnam, no business being in Iraq, no business being in Afghanistan, and no business being in Syria. our very own infrastructure is and has been crumbling to the ground, we are in the worst economical times since the great depression, and it will only get worse. we have an estimated, and i put the emphasis on "estimated" 9 million muslims living in this country. California has more illegal residents than legal residents.and has since 1998. we keep on and on playing big brother to the world, meanwhile we turn our back on our elderly, our veterans, and our citizens. we give away hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of taxpayer money every year, most of it going to third world countries who would just as soon see us all dead.for a country that is supposedly governed by the people, the people sure are doing a lousy job.we can play the blame game, but who do we blame? i don't know about anybody else, but i blame all of them. from nixon right up to the one we have now. and yes this includes gwb. but, even more than i blame them, i blame us, we the people.we keep voting these clowns into office.if we the people want to make a difference, then it's up to us. we need to hold politicians accountable for their actions. since it's taxpayer money the government gives away then the taxpayer should have the last word on how it's is nearing the time in which we desperately need a true democracy, or we might as well just go ahead and give away the whole show.there's my opinion for what it's worth, btw, i'm sticking with that opinion.
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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by CITEX Tue 10 Sep 2013, 11:45 am

    fonz1951 wrote:i have said it for 45 years and to anybody listening or reading, i am going to say it again; damn the consequences. the U.S. had no business being in Vietnam, no business being in Iraq, no business being in Afghanistan, and no business being in Syria. our very own infrastructure is and has been crumbling to the ground, we are in the worst economical times since the great depression, and it will only get worse. we have an estimated, and i put the emphasis on "estimated" 9 million muslims living in this country. California has more illegal residents than legal residents.and has since 1998. we keep on and on playing big brother to the world, meanwhile we turn our back on our elderly, our veterans, and our citizens. we give away hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of taxpayer money every year, most of it going to third world countries who would just as soon see us all dead.for a country that is supposedly governed by the people, the people sure are doing a lousy job.we can play the blame game, but who do we blame? i don't know about anybody else, but i blame all of them. from nixon right up to the one we have now. and yes this includes gwb. but, even more than i blame them, i blame us, we the people.we keep voting these clowns into office.if we the people want to make a difference, then it's up to us. we need to hold politicians accountable for their actions. since it's taxpayer money the government gives away then the taxpayer should have the last word on how it's is nearing the time in which we desperately need a true democracy, or we might as well just go ahead and give away the whole show.there's my opinion for what it's worth, btw, i'm sticking with that opinion.

    No more incumbents for any political party, replace em all, every election for the next 30 years... till they understand who is in charge, this starts at the city level and it goes up from there.

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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by Neno Tue 10 Sep 2013, 11:52 am

    ........ ;)
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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by CITEX Tue 10 Sep 2013, 12:04 pm

    If you read the story there is a fair amount of speculation in this.

    They dont move them unless they plan on using them?
    Duhhh. They built them planning on using them, positioning them daily for the best strategic position possible is exactly what they should be doing.

    Moving them around without a paper trail?
    This isnt new, if it was how then could the fellow in charge of them before deny thier presence? And with all our leaks in Gov, they need to be careful.

    Yes this Syrian thing is concerning and should be watched.

    Having said all of this... fire all the politicians, they were all on watch when this started, or was in action, and I didnt hear any of them demanding change for the people. so they must go home.
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    Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike  Empty Re: Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

    Post by Lionheart Wed 11 Sep 2013, 4:55 am

    ) we race closer to a nuclear infused WW3 -

    There will be another world war before the battle of amagedon. Isaiah 17 says that Damascus will cease from being a city.

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