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    Zarif: America's approach to the nuclear deal will not help him to continue

    Admin Assist
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     Zarif: America's approach to the nuclear deal will not help him to continue Empty Zarif: America's approach to the nuclear deal will not help him to continue

    Post by Rocky Fri 14 Jul 2017, 5:59 am

    Zarif: America's approach to the nuclear deal will not help him to continue


    Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the United States not allowing Iran to take advantage of the benefits of the nuclear agreement, it failed to fulfill the implementation of the spirit of this agreement. "
    Zarif said in a statement to reporters upon his arrival to New York on Thursday evening, said that "nuclear multilateral international agreement agreement, completed after years long negotiation." He said, adding that "those who have exercised pressure on Iran because viewed it will not achieve their desired results, reached a conviction that this agreement is the best achievement can be reached. "
    He added, "There is no other choice but to reach an agreement, and I think everyone will notice in the end that this agreement was the best possible outcome for all parties."
    Abizaid Iranian Foreign Minister: Certainly, none of the parties did not get everything you want full in the nuclear agreement, and this is the nature of the multilateral agreement, and therefore we expect that the implementation of all the parties to this Agreement.
    Among Zarif, "It is regrettable that America has accepted this agreement but remained committed to its very low for the level, and through its approach and policies wrong were not able to respect and support the spirit of this agreement and thus to benefit Iran did not allow the full benefits of the agreement Alanowi as it should."

    He said the US administration review of its position in dealing with the nuclear deal because it is in that case will not help him to continue. "

      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 12:52 am