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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance 7 trillion dinars increase in the budget of the supplementary 2017

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary Finance 7 trillion dinars increase in the budget of the supplementary 2017 Empty Parliamentary Finance 7 trillion dinars increase in the budget of the supplementary 2017

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Jul 2017, 7:03 am

    Parliamentary Finance 7 trillion dinars increase in the budget of the supplementary 2017

    A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Masood Haider, on Sunday, for an increase in the federal budget 7 trillion dinars, indicating that the increase will be part of the distribution of salaries and benefits for farmers and contractors, as well as the reconstruction of the liberated areas of Daesh.
    Haider said in a press interview followed the "Economy News", that "the House of Representatives will discuss the supplementary budget because the federal government changed the budget price of oil is estimated from $ 42 to $ 44.40 and the quantities of exported oil is 3.75 million barrels , including the region 's oil."
    He added that "there is an increase in the budget 100 trillion dinars to 107 trillion in addition to an increase in revenue of 79 trillion to 83 trillion, that there is an increase in the budget by 7% , " explaining that "spending also increased more than the revenue in which It led to an increase in the deficit. "
    He noted that "the budget deficit were 21 trillion is now 25 trillion," he said . "7 trillion of the increase in the budget allocated than three trillion to investment expenditure to go to the liberated areas and placed special budget item, you must a lot of money allocated to areas liberated, especially the districts and sub - districts in the provinces that were under the control of Daesh. "
    He stressed that " the other part of the money added to the budget has been allocated as receivables for farmers and peasants of the years from 2014 to 2017, the last of which was allocated to the entitlements of contractors in the federal government and pay the salaries of part of the Iraqi government employees and retirees."
    He explained that "this budget complementary, and we will integrate this supplementary budget with the materials that have been challenged by the government and there are discussions with the Ministry of Finance and the government to reach a uniform agreement."
    The federal budget for Iraq, for the year 2017, 100 trillion ($ 84.7 billion), and a projected deficit 21 trillion ($ 17.7 billion).

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