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    Syrian rebels shell SDF locations in Ayn Dakna near Aleppo


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Syrian rebels shell SDF locations in Ayn Dakna near Aleppo Empty Syrian rebels shell SDF locations in Ayn Dakna near Aleppo

    Post by jedi17 Mon 17 Jul 2017, 8:52 pm

    Syrian rebels shell SDF locations in Ayn Dakna near Aleppo

    by  Loaa Adel
    Jul 17, 2017, 5:13 pm

    Aleppo (Syria News) The Syrian rebels faction, named “Ahl al-Diyar”, on Monday, launched an attack on members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Ayn Dakna Village, north of Aleppo.

    Qasioun News reported that the Syrian rebels shelled locations and gatherings of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the villages of Ayn Dakna and al-Baylouna, using heavy artillery and rockets, leaving many casualties.

    Earlier, Ahl al-Diyar announced that it did not follow any party or military entity, and its main goal is to recapture villages and towns seized by the Syrian Democratic Forces in early 2016.

    It is noteworthy that the rebels in northern Syria formed lately three military blocs, due to the news about the approaching military operation on the area of ​​Afrin, north of Aleppo.

      Current date/time is Wed 18 Sep 2024, 10:59 am