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    The engineer calls for a solution to clan clans that worked with the popular crowd

    Admin Assist
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    The engineer calls for a solution to clan clans that worked with the popular crowd Empty The engineer calls for a solution to clan clans that worked with the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Jul 2017, 2:19 am

    The engineer calls for a solution to clan clans that worked with the popular crowd

    a wish Since 2017-07-18 at 19:41 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    Deputy Popular Leader Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes stressed on Tuesday the need to consolidate the popular crowd as a subordinate institution of the armed forces under the Constitution and the law, stressing the need to activate the law of the popular crowd, while noting that the military threat to the country still exists, he stressed the need for a solution to the crowds Tribalism that works with the popular crowd.
    "The reference authority has the first credit in this victory, and Mr. al-Sistani has proven that he is a reference for all Iraqis," the engineer said during a celebration of the victory of a crowd in Mosul attended by Mawazine News.
    "The armed forces of all kinds, the brave army, the anti-terrorist apparatus, the federal police, the rapid reaction squad, the popular crowd volunteers and all those who supported us in our war were encouraged by Iran and Hezbollah, who gave advice and support," he said.
    "Your brothers in the popular rally liberated 400 villages, 14 residential compounds, three areas and two courts in the Nineveh area and cut off a razor blade between Mosul and Tal Afar and between Tal Afar and the border," he said.
    "There is an urgent need to keep the popular crowd, which holds more than 1,500 km, and the preservation of victory requires continuous momentum and exceptional security effort," he said.
    The Engineer stressed on "activating the popular mobilization law to preserve the efforts of the fighters and their equality with their counterparts in military and security institutions."
    "The popular crowd may enter the fight against corruption if the situation continues as it is," he said, referring to the need for "a solution to clan clans working with the popular crowd." "We need to prevent armed manifestations in cities, Popular ".
    It is noteworthy that the parliament voted in August last year that the popular rallying body formed by a fatwa of the highest religious authority in Iraq, a military institution of the Iraqi state and the orders of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
    is over

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